On the next hand Adrianne gets a top being the only one to make 12 tricks:

We had a simple 1S-1NT-3S-4S auction.
Adrianne got a club lead, took two trumps and finessed 10D. Back to hand and finessed QD to discard the heart loser on AD. She will make 12 on any lead by playing the diamonds thus and then leading to the clubs.
I managed a top on board 13.

I couldn’t decide what to open, but plumped for 2NT. Luckily Adrianne responded and we found the heart fit and I played in 4H without any interference. I managed 11 tricks as the opponents didn’t take their spade and I got it away on a club that was ruffed. If you make a more sensible opening of 1C with my hand, then West obviously bids spades and then all sorts of things can happen as was reflected in the scores at the other tables, but no other N/S made game.
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