After AC, KC ruffed, spade to King and Ace, Helen played a heart, I took with Ace, drew trumps and then KD, TD finessed and 10 tricks made.
Against Phoebe & Robina wew were the only pair to bid slam. Some were in 4S, some in 3NT, we went for our 6-3 fit.
Playing Benji, without interference our bidding went:
2C - 2D - 2S - 3C - 4C - 5C - 6C
At MPs it is often fatal to play in 5C rather than 3NT, but I had no problem bidding 4C, I can see slam is a distinct possibility and I am not signing of in 3NT.
I got a club lead for a lay down 13, but even after a diamond lead I win, cash 2 top spades discarding diamonds, go over to KH to finesse in clubs and make 13 anyway.
Here is how not to play a hand and get a bottom. Against Paul & Bob I opened 1D which was passed out. Paul led 9C, clearly singleton or doubleton. The smart move is to duck Bob's Queen, but singleton is quite likely so I took the Ace.
Big chance: Play 3 rounds of diamonds, guaranteeing 8 tricks. Nope, I play a spade, Paul pounces with his Ace, 2nd club to King and a club ruff.
Stranded from dummy I can only make 7 tricks.
However, I am never getting a good score, others made 10 tricks!?
Now we have 2 bottoms in a row against Charles & Alec.
Alec opens 1S, I pass and Charles raises to 2S passed back to me and I double. Adrianne bids 3D, passed out. This is a great contract, makes 10 tricks but can't beat the people in NT or even in hearts.
I could have stretched to a first round double and Adrianne could then bid 3NT which makes from her side. Adrianne could have stretched to 3NT over my protective double, but it is cruel to get a zero for being in the best contract, especially when 2H (yuck!) scored 140.
On the next hand Charles and Alec bid without interference:
1D - 1S - 2H - 3C - 3D - 4N - 5D - 6D
Adrianne leads AC to my encouraging 9, but no avail, the heart finesse brings 12 tricks home.
Nobody else ventured that high.
We did get one back on them on the next board. Charles opens 1D, passed round to me and I bid 1H. Adrianne bids 2NT, I tried 3S on the way and Adrianne bids 4S.
Nothing in the play. I lose the obvious diamond, club and heart for 10 tricks, some pairs defend 3C and somebody managed to go down in 4S. The only problem I would have is if Charles plays a small club after winning KH, but I had already decided to go up with King, there's no other play. Anyway at match points you can't afford to try that.