Playing with Adrianne at Butler scoring we did very badly, 3rd bottom with -23, though everyone seemed to bid their games and slams against us.
As West, Jack opened 1S. Technically 1D is the correct opening as opening a major implies 5 in any rebid and lying about diamonds is better as it more likely leads to 3NT.
Anyway 1S works brilliantly here.
Adrianne overcalls 2C, Robert passes and I bid 4C. Using Unassuming Cue this shows distribution.
Jack doubles and now Robert has a very obvious 4S bid. This comes round to Adrianne who now knows I am likely to have at most 1 spade and probably 5 clubs. She therefore can't see any defence and bids 5C. Jack doubles and we are down 2. 4S goes off 1. C'est la vie.
Lester opened 2H passed round to Adrianne as South who doubled. I bid 3NT and barry led JH.
Doesn't look good, Barry has 3 hearts and I need to set up both minors for 3 tricks each. Spades has a possibility I thought. Lead JS, covered, take Ace and finesse 8S coming back. However if I was Lester I probably wouldn't cover JS, as North has at most 3 spades and if he has A9x it will not matter in the end.
Maybe QC is doubleton. Anyway I decided to take the worst option first, I tried AK of diamonds! I followed with AK and another club and went down 1.
All I have to of course is play Ace and another spade, 9 tricks via 3 spades and 3 AKs.
Against Avril & Stephanie, Adrianne opened 1NT and Stephanie bid 2D. I doubled and there we played.
I decided to lead one of my black doubletons. Of course I choose the wrong one and lead 10S. We make 5 trumps and that is it, Stephanie can dump her losing club on Dummy's 4th spade.
Steph opened 1D and I bid 1H, Adrianne bid 2D and I bid 3C. Now we play long suit trial bids and although this sequence hasn't come up before, I thought that is what it would mean. Adrianne took it as showing probably a decent second suit, bid 4H.
I explained my bid before the lead, but Avril led a diamond. Steph didn't try to cash her two clubs, so I made 12.
No chance, 3 obvious losers. As Ian will surely lead JC, 3NT is unbeatable.
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