Not a good start on our first board against Willie and Issy. I opened 1C, Willie bid 1H and Gerry 1S. Round to me and I tried 2H, Gerry expecting a half stop from me bid 2N and I raised to 3. Issy led a heart and Willie had no problem taking the first 6 tricks. I still prefer my 2H to 3C a doubleton Jack in Issy's hand or doubleton King from my partner makes game, you'll never find it if you bid 3C.
Two pairs made 3N, their leads were 7H and 8H, presumably East in both cases put in the Jack. From these leads I presume East bid hearts, this is where it is helpful to lead smallest from any 3 of your partenr's suit as MUD is the same lead as a doubleton.
Anyway let's say South passes, the bidding should go:
1S - 2H - 4C - 4D - 6H
If South does have wasted values in clubs you will be on a finesse. A better way is to bid 4S over 4D and then South has a clear 6H.
Another of our few good early boards brought about by more than usual circumspect bidding on my part. Against the Glens, John opened 1C and I overcalled 1S. I won't double with 5-3 in the majors unless I am strong and have a very good suit intending to bid it next. In fact to double and then bid a new suit I should have 6. So I was left with the overcall. This came back to John who decided to pass.
Jennifer led a club, the 3 in fact. John took Ace and King, Jennifer followed with the 10. John now played the Jack, I thought that was strange, but I KNOW Jennifer is not doubleton so ruffed with the 3. Over-ruffing Jennifer now plays a small heart to Ten and Queen. Surely Jennifer has AH and so John must have KS, but rather than overtake a diamond to finesse trumps, I decided to knock out AH first. Jennifer took her Ace, gave John a ruff but in fact I have the rest whatever comes back for 8 tricks. Most N/S were too high.
A bottom and a top here against Victor and Brian. On the first board Gerry opens a multi as South, Brian doubles. I presume Brian has something in both majors so am even more certain that Gerry's suit is spades. However I could have bid 3D but didn't, I just passed. Victor has a difficult bid now. You want to be in 3NT, but only have a 3C bid available (good to play Lebensohl here) and as that is 'forced' is liable to be passed. So he made the practical bid of 4C and Brian had no problem bidding 5. Gerry led JH to Q and Ace. I cashed AD and returned TH. However after rawing trumps Victor has a simple double spade finesse to obtain a heart discard and 11 tricks. 5Dx is 1 off, I should have bid, maybe even 4D, stupid to pass.
Got back the score here by being the only pair making game and it wasn't 5D! Our bidding went:
1S - x - 3S - P
P - 4D - P - 4H
Well Gerry reckoned we are at the 4 level anyway and the Moysian might make 10.
Brian gives us an easy start by playing AD then switches to AS. Gerry ruffs and leads JH (small to Queen and possible King would let them force you to ruff with JH and possibly lose control), Victor ducks. AH follows and now Gerry plays diamonds, Brian ruffs the 3rd round. Plays another spade, ruffed in dummy and more diamonds but Victor is snookered, he can take the King whenever he wishes, Gerry has scored a brilliant 10 tricks.
Got a bottom against Moira and Mary on this board as Moira played the hand double dummy for 12 tricks.
Gerry opened South a multi, Moira overcalled 3S and Mary raised to game.
I led KC, ruffed. Foregoing heart ruffs, Moira crossed to KS and finesse TD, cashed AS, cashed AD and can overtake JD to get two heart discards for 12 tricks. Of course the contract can go down on this line if KD doesn't fall, c'est la vie.
I showed shocking lack of judgement against Alan and Myra on this board. Gerry opened 1N, Myra overcalled 2S which I was told could be two suited or single suited. I don't like doubling two suited hands with a 10 count, but with a good suit I don't want to pass either. I couldn't resist and bid 3H via Lebensohl.
Well it was not pretty but at least Alan made sure we stayed in hearts by not doubling. (2N is actually a good escape).
I scrambled 6 tricks for -150. Spades of course has no chance and will easily go 2 off.
Our only strong opener is 2C and this doesn't quite scrape that, but I really like this hand and am loathe to see 1S passed out. So, I opened 2C. Gerry bids 2D (4-7 points), I bid 2S and Gerry 3C.
Well really 4S is the sensible bid, but I love my hand so much now and it would be so annoying not to take advantage of such a propitious bid. Gerry must have 5 clubs and could be KQ to introduce this suit, maybe 6 clubs to QJ.
What the hell, I bid 6C. AK hearts, ruff the King, AK of clubs, claim 12. Sorry Irene and Phyllis.
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