Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Monday 15 October

Playing N/S with Adrianne we came third with a Butler score of 31.  There were quite a few opportunities for games that we missed, but rather difficult to bid.

After two passes Marilyn opened 1H and I bid 1NT.  I could have doubled but what do I bid over 2C? 3C I assume which isn't really going to get us anywhere. Over 2D I'm just not strong enough for 2N with only one heart guard and not even a third round hold up. I could have got lucky and partner has four spades, but by bidding 1N if Adrianne has a raise to 2N or 3N with four spades, she will always go through 2C .
1N was passed out and a heart lead gave me a very lucky three tricks in the suit which lets me set up diamonds and clubs and I made 10 tricks.
Four pairs found 3N.

 On the next board Adrianne opened 1N and without any interference I transferred and she played in 2S.
Robina could lead a heart and eventually Phoebe would get a heart ruff but that is extremely unlikely.  However a diamond lead a heart back would also get the ruff.
Our defenders didn't find that and 10 tricks rolled in.

Quite rightly nobody found 4S.
Against Miller and Donald I opened 1S and Adrianne bid 1N.  As we play 3S forcing I have to bid 2S and partner will raise to 3S with 8 or 9 and some spade support.  Unfortunately Adrianne is a point short and 2S is where I played.
Heart lead to K and A, AK trumps, QD to Ace, heart cashed and continued and there was no guess in clubs for 10 tricks.

Three pairs bid this game.

This was a game we bid though probably shouldn't.  I bid my hand strongly and ended in 5C our opponents bidding spades.
Ivor led AS and found the switch to a heart.  I ruffed and with only one entry to dummy clearly that was better to use for diamonds, so I laid down AC and followed with a small club.  Ivor took the ten and played another heart ruffed. I drew another club and played QS to King and ran 10D which held, another diamond to Jack, no ruff so I was home.  Drew last trump and cashed the diamonds.
Only one to bid 5C, on epair bid 5D but went off.

Against Alistair and Dave I was ruing not being more forceful before discovering I can't make game.
After two passes Alistair opened 1C, Dave did 1D passed round to Adrianne who doubled.  Dave passed and I thought about bidding 3H, but just jumped to 2H.  This was passed out.
Alistair led KD and I took Ace and ruffed a diamond high.  I led a spade to King which held and am now looking at ten tricks (apparently). I ruffed my last diamond high, played 2H to Jack, a heart to dummy's queen.  No break but still a spade from dummy taken by Ace, Ace and king of clubs and Alistair found the third spade to give Dave a ruff and hold me to nine tricks.
Two pairs bid the game, also most in heart partials were allowed to make 10.

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