Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Monday 4 December

Playing N/S with Adrianne came 7th with a Butler score of 10. We were heading for a large minus but got some big scores towards the end.  Didn't do much wrong just that our opponents mostly did the right thing.

Got a bad score against Ian and Bobby where they were the only ones in 3N. Bobby opened 1C, Ian 1H, Bobby 2C, Ian  2D and Bobby 3N.
I found a good opening lead with the 2H won by Adrianne's Q and she played back 3S won by Bobby's Jack.  The contract looks set to drift one off.  Bobby played on clubs and Adrianne took the 4th, I discarded a spade. Adrianne returned KS won by the Ace and Declarer cashed the rest of the clubs leaving:
                               -                  in my hand.
Bobby crossed to AD, played a high heart from Dummy and I was end played to give him QD.  Very well played. Of course Adrianne should have exited with 10D when in with AC, however I thought that was 'obvious' and had just discarded 5S as she knows my holding in that suit.  However that dissuaded her from a diamond as she would have expected me to signal don't play a spade with the 9 as we play inverse attitude, so my fault.

 Big swing on this board to our detriment. I opened 1N, Adrianne went through Stayman and just settled for 3N over my 2D. She does not have the option of 3C on the way as we play that shows 6, anyway 5 to the Jack doesn't look that compelling.
Dave led 7H taken perforce by Dummy's Ace.  Club finesse, heart to Alistair's King, heart back and I claimed whatever was left, i.e. 3 down.
6C is of course a great contract and if you don't play play weak NT you should have no trouble being in it as four pairs were.  What is rather galling though is Victor was in 6N, got a heart lead and made it!
A big board against Ernestine and Moreen where Ernestine opened her mountain 4S and I bid my mountain 4N.  Adrianne bid 5C and Ernestine went to 5S.  I doubled but Adrianne took it out to 6C, I corrected to 6D and Ernestine doubled more in principle that anything else.
Moreen didn't find the club lead so I just went one down.
We can defeat 5S by one but at this scoring it is usually better to take insurance in case 5Sx is making.
Only four pairs made their contract (one for 5S!?), three others for being allowed to play in 5D, everyone else was 'taking insurance'

 We began at last to get some good scores starting with the second board against Moreen and Ernestine.
I opened 1D, Adrianne 1S, I rebid 2D and Adrianne bid 4C. I settled for 5D, but Adrianne was not deterred and bid 6D. Moreen led AC, I ruffed, diamond to Ace, club ruff, took out last diamond and as long as spaes were no worse that 4-2 I can discard my last club and make 13, which was of course even easier as they are 3-3.
Only four of us in slam.  In fact I was a bit wimpish jumping to 5D (which is weaker than 4D here). If Adrianne has a singleton club and no wasted values there, my KS, trump holding and heart shortage must be massive.  If I cue 4S would Adrianne have found a 5N Grand Slam force? No, I think not, but I didn't give her the chance.

Len and Christine both helped along our score.  Len with Clifford stood for his 1Nx and we defended perfectly and took 1400.  Then Christine opened 1H which Adrianne with a good hand doubled, Ileen with a singleton heart, 5 points and four spades to the Jack could have bid 1S, but that could have been unwise when we could have a spade fit.  Anyway Ileen passed and I had six hearts to the Ace and left it in.  Christine could have guessed a bit better bu lost 500. Many were playing it in hearts by me.

Here after two passes I opened 1C and David playing with Willie bid 2C.  Adrianne, rather stuck for a sensible bid, made the choice of 3C.  We play double would show a 2C bid which was her other possibility. Anyway I took 3N.  David led a small heart, I went up with the Jack, played a spade and had 9 tricks, although I made 10 with KD.
KH lead would have been no better of course.  A diamond looks best for the defence but you need to lead the 8D to get three diamond tricks, anyway 3N still makes.


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