Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Monday 18 April

Playing N/S with Adrianne came second with a Butler score of 40.

Lost a 17 point swing early on against Ian and Ivor.  Adrianne opened 1C, I bid 1D, 2N, 3N.  Now the same happened at most tables and the 2H was led for an easy 11 tricks.  However the astute Ivor led QS against Adrianne, ducked, JS won by Ace. When QD didn't appear under the AK she had to go off.
 We got very lucky later on with two boards against Bob and Peter which would have ruined their score.
Adrianne opened South as 2N and I forewent our Puppet Stayman thinking it just gives away too much information to a pair that can use it and just bid 3N.
Holding 13 points, Bob can't expect his partner to have any points and went for a 'safe' 7D lead.  Adrianne won in dummy and ran JH.  Bob took the Queen and played a second diamond.  Adrianne forced out AH and claimed 9 tricks. If I had bid 3C we would have ended in 4H and would have lost two spades and two hearts. Bob could have led JS against 3N, but when he wins the hearts will he even then know to continue spades?

Lucky on the next one also.  Adrianne opened 2C, I bid 2D and Adrianne produced a 2N rebid showing 22/23. These big hands don't usually miss two Aces, I just bid 6C.  QH lead and playing Butler, Adrianne just claimed 12 rather than torturing everyone by running seven clubs.
Lucky there weren't two Aces off the top, however I could have bid this confidently because I forgot we play 4N quantitative and 4C for Aces.  So I should bid 4C, Adrianne bids 4D (0 or 4).  I can now count 10 top tricks and Adrianne has another 6 or 7 points.  Could be QJ in both red suits but highly unlikely.  I could have bid 6C knowing it was well odds on.

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