Playing N/S in the Celtic Sims came 3rd with 54%. A few ups and downs as usual.
A good score by Adrianne in 3H. Lennie opened 1D, Adrianne overcalled 3H and Sally presumably not having a negative double eventually passed, as did we all.
Sally led 8D and Lennie took King followed by Ace which Adrianne ruffed.
Three rounds of trumps and a club to the 8 which held, ruff a diamond and a second club leaves Sallyn between a rock and a hard place with only black cards left. A club gives Adrianne two spade discards but she rightly played a spade and two spade tricks cashed meant 9 tricks for Adrianne and a good Match Point score.
Davina and Barbara got an excellent score against in 3N after 1S - 2C - 2N - 3N. Less than half the field found game.
Adrianne led a heart won by the Jack and Davina immediately played a diamond to the 9. OK better percentage is to play to the Jack but going for the diamond right away was an excellent choice. Now Adrianne in with the 10 could defeat it by playing a club, but how does she know Davina hasn't got running clubs and weaker spades? Also at Match Points passive defence is always more inviting. So another heart to the Ace and another diamond by Davina taken by me. I played my last heart. Davina unperturbed plays another diamond and has 9 tricks, well done.
Clifford did very well against Adrianne on this hand where we are only one of three in 3N but the only ones to go down. Our bidding was 1C - 1D - 1N and a bit of a pushy 3N.
Clifford led 4S and Adrianne took immediately in Dummy to play a diamond to the King, smoothly ducked by Clifford. Adrianne continued a diamond, she had an instinct to play the Queen but surely it is right to put in the 10. Nope, only 8 tricks now. Of course if Clifford puts AD on the King, Adrianne still has a guess but the duck made sure she got it wrong.
You should always try and put your Aces on Kings but in NT when Declarer is playing their suit, it is also usually good to hold up your Ace.
On the very next hand we failed to bid game. Of course the game can't make but those who bid it did.
I opened 1H and Adrianne bid 1N passed out. I don't agree with 1N and would have bid 2D. However now North bids 2N, South bids 3H and 4H would be the contract which must go down. Shows what I know.
Anyway Adrianne got a spade lead (club anyone?) taken by the Queen and intelligently played Ace and QH while the spade entry remained. Len took the King and tried a diamond. Adrianne won the King, cashed her hearts and spade, exited from Dummy with a diamond and made 9 tricks.
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