Thursday, 13 June 2013

Wednesday 12th June

Playing N/S with Adrianne came 2nd with 60%.  Adrianne bid two great slams against Ann and Margaret.

Adrianne opened 1H, I bid 1S, 2C from Adrianne and I bid 4H.  Adrianne's hand was good before but now looks very strong.  She bid 4N and my 5S gave her all the keycards she needed and so 6H it was.  Only one other pair found it.
Margaret led 3S and 12 tricks were lay down.

Two boards later Adrianne was the only one to bid this.
I opened North 1S and Ann didn't come in to the bidding. Adrianne simply bid 4N, I bid the usual 5S and 6S it was.
The 4H was led, tempting to play Ann for the Queen as if my Jack wins, two later hearts will allow two club discards to guarantee 12 tricks. However a losing heart finesse will immediately put me 1 down.  So I rose with the Ace, cashed AD, spade to A, diamond ruff, spade to K, diamond ruff.  While in dummy I led 10C, not covered so I went up with Q and low and behold the Jack falls.  I took out the last trump, played a club to the 9 and claimed 12 tricks.

Against Joan and Cathy I opened North 1N which went round to Cathy who bid 2C (clubs and 1 higher).  Joan bid 2D passed back to me.  I ventured 2H (just what Adrianne wanted to hear) and that was passed out.
Joan led 5C to 9 and J, I played 2H round to Cathy's 9. Cathy played 10S which I let run and led a spade from dummy, Cathy ruffing. A small club was played won by my 8 and I played AH and another clearing the trumps.  I won Joan's spade exit and led a diamond towards my King making 9 tricks, 2 spades, 3 hearts, a diamond and 3 clubs.

Friday, 7 June 2013

Thursday 6th June

Playing mostly E/W in a Hesitation Mitchell with Adrianne we came first with a super score of 68%.

Rod opened North 1D and I overcalled 3H.  Alex bid 4D and Adrianne 4H.  After some thought Rod decided to double.
Diamond lead to Ace, ruff a diamond. Now what about the trumps?  I reckoned if Rod had been thinking about 5D and he had a singleton heart, he would have bid on.  So the only way to pick up all the trumps is to hope Alex has a singleton Jack.  I led QH, covered, Ace and dropped the Jack.
With the spade finesse right I claimed 11 tricks, a complete top BUT if I had cashed Q and A spades, ruffed a spade and crossed with a small trump, I would have made 13.

Paul opened South 1D and with both majors Adrianne chose double rather than 1N which I would have bid.  Ian has a 3C bid available as North but I have no problem bidding 3H and Adrianne raised to game.  Paul led a small diamond and as I can see that if Ian has KC, Paul will be void in clubs for his 10 point opener.  Anyway I won KD and as I reckon Ian will have at most one heart, I played QH to King and Ace, so Paul must win 2 heart tricks now.  I now played a spade to Q and Ace.  Paul returned a diamond to my Ace, I cashed two spades throwing a club and ruffed a diamond. I now led a small club and Paul's King popped up.  I took Ace, played a heart back to the Ten which was ducked and led QC, Paul could take his two hearts when he wanted., I lost a spade and two hearts.

Ian and Paul were the only pair to bid 7S on this hand, we nearly did.  We were N/S and I opened 1S.  Now Adrianne doesn't bid a 'normal' Jacoby, she could have bid 4H, but opted for 2D.  I rebid 2H and Adrianne bid 4S.
Well I'm not stopping there and bid 4N, Adrianne replied 5S, as I have the Q I know she has five spades to the K and AD.  Seven looked possible now, I tried 5N, 6D showed one outside King (not specific).  I toyed with the idea of 7S but can only be guessing.  Unfortunately Adrianne, knowing we have all the keycards and that I have extra values by going on also wanted to bid 7S, however after my hesitation didn't think it was fully justified and passed. It was the easiest Grand you could ever be in.