Playing N/S with Adrianne came first with a Butler score of 82.
Got off to a great start against Nat and Peter.
Peter opened West 1S, Nat 1N - 2N - 3N. Adrianne led 3C to my King. Pondered whether a small heart was necessary now but discounted that and returned 10C. Nat finessed 10D and led QS. Adrianne crucially did not cover (Declarer can only have 2 spades on the bidding), JS followed, not covered and Nat cashed his diamonds. Ending in Dummy he exited with a small heart, I cashed Q and A and a club through gave us 5 tricks.
Most people made 9 or 10, I can only imagine South covered QS. Do not cover unless it can promote a trick, if Declarer has doubleton you are guaranteed a trick with the King, if Declarer has three spades what can you promote?
On the next board two passes to Peter who bid 3C. This left me with 3NT as the only sensible bid and there I played.
Nat duly led 5C, I won with the King and ran 9S. I followed with another spade and Nat held off the Ace. I claimed my 9 tricks.
It must be right to hold up AS, you win the 3rd spade, play another club expecting Declarer to have had AK. You then hope partner has AH stopping entry to the spades until clubs are set up. Defenders can never find their four diamonds.
Most people in game have played in a major, presumably no 3C bid, but both hearts and spades are doomed.
Only three pairs found 6C on this board, ourselves, the Glens and Miller and Maureen. Obviously the diamond overcall will make things very difficult but I would suggest:
1C - 2D - 3D - P
4D - x - 6C
3D is game forcing and mostly asking for a stop. Of course you know partner can't bid 3N, but it is the only way to find out more. North's only sensible bid now is 4D, 'You say we make game, well I can play in any of the other suits'. South knows where 10 diamond cards are, so knows this is shortage and can bid 6C.
That is not what happened at our table against Ian and Bobby:
1C - P - 1D - 2H
2S - P - 6C
Typical Bobby 2H red against green. Over the 2H I double or bid NT with 15+. A basic hand with 5 clubs and 4 of another suit I pass unless I can bid as here. With 6 clubs I bid 3C. We don't take 4441 into account. Adrianne figures me for about 13 points 4225. As I can't have more than 8 points in clubs and surely no more than QH, I must have A or K of diamonds so she can confidently bid 6C.
We don't have a weak two for a minor so Adrianne passed and Bob opened 1C. I overcalled 1H, Cathy passed and Adrianne bid 2D, Bob 3C.
Being a passed hand we have a clear understanding that a) this will be a good suit and b) you will have a doubleton heart and of course some values.
So I expect 6 diamonds to KQ and hope for Kx hearts (if small doubleton, Adrianne will have KS or at least QJ. If hearts can be set up she can make 11 tricks. So I bid 5D.
Bob made the attacking lead of 4S, Adrianne won the Ace, diamond to King, K, A of hearts, ruffed a heart, drew trumps and two discards gave her 12 tricks.
It is such an advantage to have clear understandings with a regular partner, especially when she plays so well.
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