Playing E/W with Adrianne finished in the middle but with a reasonable Butler score of 16.
Myra opened 3C and Adrianne doubled, Alan passed and I bid 4H, round to Alan who bid 5C. This went back to Adrianne who decided to bid 5H. Definitely not recommended, the five level belongs to the opponents unless you have a big fit, not 3 card support.
Anyway Myra led KC and followed with another which I ruffed. Heart to the Q, ducked, JH taken by Ace. Now even with QS falling and a marked heart finesse I am still going to lose a diamond for one off. However Alan plays a third club which on the face of it is quite clever as if I ruff in hand there is no gain and if I ruff in Dummy I cannot finesse the heart and Alan will make a second trump trick.
Anyway, I discarded a spade and ruffed in Dummy, now AK of spades and Myra's Queen falls. I have a count of Alan's hand now : 4423, so I cashed AD, KD, J10 of spades throwing my last two diamonds and we all have two cards left and the lead is in Dummy. So with K9 of hearts over the 10 6 I got my trump finesse and 11 tricks. Who says the 5 level belongs to the opponents?
Two eventful boards against Steve and Marcin again 5 level contracts. Two big scores which cancelled out because of mistakes.
Marcin opened 1S, Steve 1N and I bid 2D. Marcin bid 2H, Adrianne 3D and Steve 4H. This went round to Adrianne who bid 5D, doubled by Steve and Marcin decided to bid 5H.
Adrianne led KC and Marcin took the Ace, when I got in with AS I could play a club for Adrianne to cash two tricks and down one.
Marcin had been worried I might have been singleton club, but he would still have been down. All he has to do is hope I am doubleton club, hold up AC and he makes the contract.
Now my turn for the error. Adrianne opened the West hand 1H, I bid 1S and she raised to 2S. I cue bid 4C, Adrianne 4D and I bid 5S. Adrianne is a bit embarrassed about her hand now and passed.
Marcin led QD. I am always losing a club and a spade so have to get rid of two diamond losers. Ace and another club does work here for one of them but is the wrong thing to do. If QC loses to King then Ace and another spade means you lose a diamond. So you have to ruff two diamonds. I won AD, heart to Ace and cashed KD, ruffed a diamond with 5S, over-ruffed, Ace and another spade and I am two down.
If I don't cash KD but just ruff with 5S, ruff a heart, ruff a diamond with JS then I'm home. I hadn't fully thought it out, though I can reasonably expect the third diamond ruff to hold it must be safer not to cash KD. However it was in the back of my mind that not long ago in a similar situation I didn't cash my winner and ruffed my losers, then when I went out to Ace of trump my winner was ruffed. This was less likely to happen here I think with QD lead likely to be from a holding in the suit.
Now what do you think are your chances in 3D? No, not by North silly, by East!
I passed initially and Adrianne opened 1N, Robina bid 2D alerted by Phoebe whom I asked for an explanation and she said an unspecified six card suit.
We play Lebensohl and any double by me is penalty, so I have no bid and if I pass, Phoebe presumably bids 2H and Robina 3D. Again I have no bid. So I bid 3D over the 2D. I know this is probably too difficult for partner but playing Lebensohl it is forcing. Adrianne passed (after considerable thought). The telling point for her is I am a passed hand. So 3D by East.
Phoebe led JC to Ace, diamond back to my Jack, AH, JH covered and won by King. TH, 9H throwing spades, KC, QC, Robina ruffs per force with only diamonds left. Now a small one to Phoebe's 10 and my Queen ensures she gets 3 trumps to go with her two Aces for 1 down. Missed our 4S, but a much more interesting contract!.
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