Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Monday 11 February

Playing N/S with Adrianne came third with a Butler 36 though only two points behind the winner.  There were a lot of part score score hands and we did quite well on those.  There were two possible slams and we got both wrong but came out even!

Never open unless you know your rebid.  I thought if I open 1C, partner bids 1M then I rebid 2C.  I don't like that at all, so I opened 1N.  We don't have any method with both minors so Adrianne had to improvise.  She bid 2N, if I bid 3D then she can bid 5C.  However I broke the transfer and she made the practical bid of 5D.  With the suit 2-2 you always make 12 in either minor and half the field were in it.
If I open 1C, Adrianne bids 1D and I raise to 2D. Adrianne will now bid 3S splinter but I bid 5D, however with the big two suited fit Adrianne would bid 6D.

Here Adrianne opened 1H, I bid 2D and Adrianne has to rebid 2H.  I could bid an immediate 6H now, 5H another possibility asking partner to bid 6 with good trumps.  4C cue is another possibility but partner might not like to cue 4S with a minimum.  Anyway I decided to bid 3C instead, Adrianne bid 3N. I should bid 5H now and Adrianne would pass however  a) she might have AS and 6H should easily make or at worst the slam is on a finesse.  I just bid 6H.  So how did we come out even?  Well unfortunately a nameless defender failed to cover the QH and Adrianne just lost the AS which had been led.

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