Never open unless you know your rebid. I thought if I open 1C, partner bids 1M then I rebid 2C. I don't like that at all, so I opened 1N. We don't have any method with both minors so Adrianne had to improvise. She bid 2N, if I bid 3D then she can bid 5C. However I broke the transfer and she made the practical bid of 5D. With the suit 2-2 you always make 12 in either minor and half the field were in it.
If I open 1C, Adrianne bids 1D and I raise to 2D. Adrianne will now bid 3S splinter but I bid 5D, however with the big two suited fit Adrianne would bid 6D.
Here Adrianne opened 1H, I bid 2D and Adrianne has to rebid 2H. I could bid an immediate 6H now, 5H another possibility asking partner to bid 6 with good trumps. 4C cue is another possibility but partner might not like to cue 4S with a minimum. Anyway I decided to bid 3C instead, Adrianne bid 3N. I should bid 5H now and Adrianne would pass however a) she might have AS and 6H should easily make or at worst the slam is on a finesse. I just bid 6H. So how did we come out even? Well unfortunately a nameless defender failed to cover the QH and Adrianne just lost the AS which had been led.
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