Playing N/S with Gerry, came first with 63%. There were a lot of big hands around, on one set when we were close to slam two hands in a row, we didn't bid them but made 12 or 13. Then on the third, the best one to bid, we did try for 6S. Small club led, the slam depends on one of two finesses in clubs and spades, Gerry played Q from AQxx in Dummy, lost to the King, club back, ruffed! The spade finesse was on of course. C'est la vie.
This was an early hand where a number of people bid 6H, one even bid 6N. I opened 2N, Gerry transferred with 3D and as I am always playing this in hearts, I broke the transfer with 3S. Gerry knows there are plenty of points missing and doesn't like the idea of me having good spades opposite his singleton so foregoes the diamond cue bid and just bids 4H.
Robina leads JD and Gerry takes King in Dummy followed by AK of spades (throwing a club) and a spade ruff felling the Queen. Now a heart to the Ace, Phoebe dropping the Jack. A low heart back and Phoebe plays the 10. Gerry plays low, losing to the now bare King and has 12 tricks.
Of the three 6H bidders only one made it, those playing North got JH lead. I sympathise with anyone who covers with the Queen, it is almost an automatic reflex. However you have to play low and play west for a singleton or doubleton King.
This was actually board 23 and most are in slam (South is the dealer). Our bidding went 1S - 2N (Jacoby) - 3H (singleton) - 4C (cue) - 4D (cue) - 4S (I'm only kidding, I'm minimum) - 6S.
Everyone received the favourable lead of 6C to Q and K. Gerry took KD, spade to A, AD throwing a heart, diamond ruff. Now QS then JS overtaking and he ran all his spades.
Gerry just discarded all his hearts from Dummy on the run of the spades but Brian as East has to keep a heart winner because of Gerry's JH in hand and so his last three cards are AH and T8 of clubs. A classic squeeze, Gerry took another three club tricks for 13.
This is board 28, Gerry was berating himself for not making the contract but it was actually an excellent defence.
Paul opened West (remember board 28, dealer West) 1D passed round to Gerry who bid 3N.
Paul found the 2S lead to Nat's Ace and a spade back to the King. He now played JC which Gerry won and he played out his top clubs and conceded the 4th to Nat. Nat now returned a heart and there was nothing Gerry could do. The defence have three tricks, if he goes up with the Ace he can only cash and Paul will have AD and KH at the end. He tried JH but no good Paul just got his tricks earlier.
Gerry was annoyed he didn't duck the club, he has to make now as the only sensible card Paul can play now is a diamond to J and K, but after cashing clubs Gerry just plays a diamond ensuring a 9th trick.
However although ducking a club would be sensible at Teams, it is not good at Match points if everyone else makes 10 tricks. No, you just have to admire excellent defence by Paul and Nat.
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