Playing N/S with gerry came joint 1st with 60%.
Gerry got us off to a cracking start.
I opened 1C, Gerry bid 1H and Bobby came in with 1S. I bid 2C, Ian (Howie) bid 2S and Gerry 3D. I bid 3H, Gerry 4N and over my two Keycard response Gerry went for a top with 6N. He needn't have bothered 6C or 6H would have done the business as nobody else bid the slam.
Bobby avoided the spade lead and led a deceptive 2C.
Gerry soon cashed six clubs and when led AH and another claimed 13 tricks.
We did not have a good set against Danny and Helen. I chickened out of bidding a good slam. Gerry could have found the right line to make a game that went down. Then a real disaster when I opened 1N, Helen bid 2D to show a single major and Danny with six diamonds and heart void has an easy pass. This leaves them in a making contract compared to the inevitable deficit in hearts.
Then there was this hand where Danny brings in 11 tricks. Danny had shown 18/19 on the way to 3N. I led 10S and could see immediately partner has nothing. Danny won JS and finessed a heart. I reckon I just have to avoid being end played to keep this to 10 tricks. I played back a heart taken in dummy. Now a club finesse to my Q and another heart exit. Danny took his hearts, AD, diamond to my Q and K. he now knows all about this hand. Gerry had let a spade and diamond go on the hearts. Now Danny leads a spade from Dummy to his Ace and Gerry has to surrender. Let a club go and Danny has all the clubs, same with diamonds. What I really liked about this hand was the necessity of keeping the KC entry to Dummy. Normally you cash KC before finessing the J in case QC is singleton. If Danny had done that he would have had no entry to Dummy and Gerry could just let a diamond go and keep his clubs. You don't mind a bottom against such fine play, pity about the other three boards.
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