Thursday, 7 August 2014

Wednesday 6 August

Playing N/S with Adrianne came just above average with 53%.  I got a complete 0 on the second hand we played.

Our bidding was:

  P  -  1H  -  P  -  2C
  P  -  2D  -  P  -  3D

Adrianne now has a difficult decision on whether to go for 5D or 3N and decides to try 3S.  I bid 3N and there we played.
Nat led 2S so there was no real point in holding up but I ducked Paul's 10S anyway and won the continuation in Dummy.  I crossed with a diamond and ran 10H to the Jack. If it had drawn K or A I would have 9 tricks via another lead to the 9 but now I had no chance. I won the spade return and cashed my diamonds on which Paul discarded clubs, exited with QH and lost 2 spades and 3 hearts.  5D does make, diamond lead win in hand, play a heart, West wins, plays a spade, play another heart, West another spade then AC, heart ruff, spade ruff, heart ruff, club ruff to hand and win the rest.
Some made 3N on a spade lead, must have been some strange discarding by West.

A good score against Dave and Bob when we defeated Bob's 1N by two tricks. This just needs careful defence.

I led 10C, Bob ducked in Dummy as did Adrianne. I'm now fairly certain that the layout is at appears and so can tell partner where my entry is by continuing with JC.  Anyway Adrianne wins and reliably returns 9S.  Bob takes the A and cashes 4 diamonds on which I discard 3 hearts. He now plays a heart to the Q and A ( I discard a club) and Adrianne carefully plays the JS which I overtake, cash my remaining clubs and we win the last spade.

After two passes Adrianne would normally open in 3rd seat, but passed.  Katie opened 1D, Liz raised to 2D and that came round to me and I bid 2H passed out.
Liz led a diamond which I won in hand and played a heart to K and A. Katie finds the club return and they cash 3 clubs and exit with a diamond won in Dummy.  I ran 9H to Liz's Q and now I know for certain Katie has QS. Liz did well to exit with 4th diamond but crucially I have 8H so to no avail whether Katie ruffs or not. I won, drew the last trump and played AS, spade finesse for 8 tricks.
Most people were in 2H rather than 2S (maybe South opened 1S, North bid 2H and they passed). However most went off but they didn't have the information I had and probably took the spade finesse the wrong way.

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