Friday, 19 September 2014

Thursday 18 September

Playing in a small Howell with Gerry came second with 60%.
There were a lot of tricky hands for both sides.

I went too far on this board playing North.  Great hand but 1D the only opening option.  Gerry bid 1H and I reversed with 3C. Gerry sensibly bid 3N.  That's usually a good place to be in Pairs but I couldn't resist showing my shape and values by bidding 4H.  Gerry bid 4N, now this was to play (again very sensible) but I thought it was RKC ans bid 5D.  Gerry gave this some thought and passed. Just where you don't want to be in Pairs, 5 of a minor.
Kevin led a spade which immediately cut me off from Dummy. I led a club and Nat went up with the Ace to lead a diamond. I won, played another trump then club to the Queen.  I cashed a second spade pitching a club, finessed JH and just had to concede JD.

Gerry used considerable talent to bring home a simple 1NT in the next hand.  Kevin had opened 1D, Gerry overcalled 1N and that was passed out.
Nat led a diamond to Q and A and Gerry led KC. Kevin naturally ducked this. Declarers should always remember that defenders can't see their hand, surely Kevin thinks that lead is from KQ.
With a club in the bag, Gerry led a heart to the 8 which won. A heart back to K and Ace, diamond to K (Kevin should play the 9), now the 9D and Gerry wins the Jack, a heart from hand, Nat can take the Q but has to exit with a spade or heart and Gerry has 2 spades, 2 hearts, 2 diamonds and a club. 1N made 7.

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