Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Monday 3rd November

Playing N/S with Adrianne came first with a Butler score of 26.  Could have been a lot higher as we missed slam and game chances, for instance we both pulled making 3NT contracts.  Not very clever.

We got most of our points against Alec and Raymond rather ruining their score.
Alec opened East 1N and Adrianne overcalled 2H.  Raymond bid 2N Lebensohl and I bid 3S.
This was uncharted territory for us and Adrianne decided she had better bid in case it was forcing.  She bid 4H passed out.
Raymond led a club allowing two club ruffs and Adrianne just lost a diamond and a heart for 11 tricks. Only one other pair in game. A fortuitous mix up.

Raymond opened West 1H, Alec bid 1N (6-9), round to Raymond who bid 2H. Now I managed to show some decorum the first time red against green, but what is happening? Adrianne must have a decent hand. I couldn't resist bidding 2S.  Alec now bid 4H, Adrianne bid 4S. Alec bid 5H!  Adrianne doubled! Boy did this hand light up.
I thought for a while before passing out the double, even if they make, we are surely losing 500 for 5Sx.
Raymond had to lose 2 spades and 2 clubs to give us 300, a good score.  Not as good as 5S making would have been mind you, probably doubled as well.

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