Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Monday 22 December

Came first N/S  in the Monday Butler with a score of 58.  Had a few Christmas presents early on when a competent opponent inexplicably went down in a straightforward 3N and when we ended in 3N after a (non-promising) Stayman and defender on lead decides to lead from 4 small diamonds when either major lead defeats us.

This was the first hand when we actually earned our score. Our bidding went 1S - (x) - 2S - (P) - 4S.
A bit pushy but you never know where partner's values are and East has to lead into you.
Gloria started with two top diamonds, I ruffed, spade to K and finessed JS.  What now?
You feel AQ of hearts are over you, when you draw last trump East has easy exits in diamonds.  Also you have no entry to clubs even if you can drop a doubleton Q. However, I found the answer.  Leaving the last trump outstanding I led JC.  Gloria naturally covered with the Q and I ducked. Gloria returns a club as the only safe exit but I win in hand, draw last trump and have 10 tricks (11 actually as when I discarded JH on a club Gloria accidentally played the Ace!)
If Gloria had overcalled 2D instead of doubling I would never have made this, playing for the drop in spades and a sure loser in each suit.

After two passes West (Stewart Pinkerton) opened 1H.  I had my suspicions about this bid, but had to pass, Stewart (Duguid) bid 1S and this was passed round to me.  I bid 2H, I thought this had to be natural but of course it confuses Adrianne who bids 3D, two down and -8 Butler points.  Difficult to see us finding 4H unless West passes, nobody did.
However Stewart's bid actually gave me a chance for glory. I should have bid 1N, Adrianne will raise to 3N.  East leads a club, ducked, win continuation and play QD, defence are powerless even if they duck two diamonds, just switch to QS (or overtake 2nd diamond), as soon as they try to clear clubs they unlock 5 heart tricks. Instead of -8 it would have been +10.

A lucky one later on. Mary opened 1C 3rd in hand and I overcalled 1D.  Katie passed(?), Adrianne bid 2C and I bid 2H.
Again Adrianne has no idea if I have the right cards but punts 5D.  Of course this goes down on any of three safe leads but partner opened 1C and Katie naturally led AC giving me my 11th trick.
I avoid leading unsupported Aces in partner's suit whenever possible as this happens so often, however against a 5 level contract it is difficult to justify anything else. You look silly when a club trick disappears.
Luck was with us.

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