Playing N/S with Gerry came first with 61%. A lot of big hands and long suits and got some good scores when running suits and making discards difficult for opponents.
Managed to let a 3NT make which we had beaten. Well I was on lead half way through and it goes down automatically if Gerry has AH or AC. A problem is, if he has KC I cannot lead that suit. However in the bidding Declarer who had opened 1H had had the chance to rebid them on the way and hadn't, so with 4 hearts I can count she is a trick short, so it is safe to play the heart. Duh! Opponents were playing 5 card majors, she had 9 tricks.
East passed and Gerry opened 1S. I don't think 1NT is appropriate with my hand, 2D is surely the only rational bid. Gerry bid 2H and I bid 3D which describes my hand perfectly. With the singleton club Gerry raises to 4D and liking that singleton I bid 5D.
Nothing to the play really. Issy led KC which held and played another club which I ruffed. AS, discarding a heart, AK of hearts, spade ruff, club ruff, spade ruff, club ruff, spade ruff and claim.
Note you always make 12 tricks. Let's say diamond led, with 9D, play AS discarding a heart, ruff a spade, AH, ruff a spade, KH, ruff a spade high, exit with club. Diamond back, win KD in Dummy, ruff a heart and Dummy is high, bit lucky though.
Thought I had blown it here. Our bidding without interference went:
1S - 2C - 3C - 3NT
I prefer to open South 1C to make sure I can bid both suits, but as bidding is so competitive nowadays, it lets West in too easily with a red suit.
Anyway I am sure Gerry would have preferred a black suit contract but despite everything trust me and passes. I know South has 5 spades but I am 3433 and really would prefer a heart lead towards my hand rather than through it.
Joyce led a heart to Raymond's Q and although it could be right to duck twice, if I get it right I can make 12 tricks, so I took the King.
I played AK of spades then a club to the Ace. I then ran the spades, Joyce shedding a club. I feel the best chance now is dropping QC so lead KC, Q appears and as I put my card down I realise I have played 9C, not the Jack. Oh no, blocked. I ttok my 10 tricks thinking spades will make 11, bad score. However everyone in 4S only made 10 as of course they took the club finesse.
When West passed, I passed as well. You are just as likely to be pre-empting your partner in 2nd position and a pre-empt without any top honours is just plain wrong here, especially as I can easily play this in spades.
Aileen opened a multi 2D, Gerry doubled and Jill bid 2H. Now I can bid my hand! So 5C from me and Gerry raised to 6C.
Easiest hand of the night, won KH in Dummy, played A then Q of clubs and claimed.
Sure if I had opened 4C or 3C Gerry would have bid 6C, but more often he'll have a big hand with one or no clubs and I would stymie him.
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