Having been very neglectful, this being the first post of the year, thought I should try to make an effort. Unfortunately playing N/S with Adrianne we had a poor score of -19 Butler points. However I can honestly say we didn't really put a foot wrong, just at the mercy of opponents at our table and what was done at other tables.
For example
Willie opened 1C, I passed, Victor bid 1D, Adrianne bid 1S, Willie 2S, I bid 4S and Victor 5C.
1D??, 2S????, me neither.
Willie made his 11 tricks
Out of 12 tables only one other was in 5C (not surprising) but they couldn't manage to ruff a diamond and set up the 10 and went 1 down.
That was -12 points on one board.
We lost -6 on a number of boards, this was typical:
I opened a Benji 2C, Adrianne bid the inevitable 2D, I bid 2H and partner raised to 4H.
This contract is completely unmakeable, except 4 tables made it.
Everyone got a spade or club lead, I got 6D lead but no difference.
Walter's 6D went to 9 and Ace, I laid down AH and got the bad news, reasonable chances of an end play if they had split 2-1. I drew two rounds of hearts, cashed AC and exited with a spade. However Lydia can cash AK of spades and exit with the third trump, I had to lose two more diamonds.
One bright spot was bidding a granny, why we were the only ones I have no idea.
East passed and our bidding went:
1H - 3D - 3H - 3S - 4S - 4N - 5S - 7S
The jump shift is very rare but was advantageous on this hand, Adrianne cannot have 3 small diamonds or she would have supported diamonds immediately especially as I would never jump shift if I had any interest in hearts.
KQ of spades and the ability to ruff a diamond were all I needed.
I won Fudge's club lead in hand and cashed AD, I followed with a low diamond and ruffed with KS. If diamonds are 4-1 I'll come back to hand with a club and ruff high again and then finesse 8S.
However David followed with JD. I just need to be careful now, I came back to hand with AS, played 8S to Q, Fudge showing out and finessed a trump on the way back to draw the last and cash all my diamonds.
At least we got 14 points for that.
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