Playing E/W with Gerry in an 8 table Mitchell, came first with 69%.
Defending 1NT by North I led 5H giving Derek 3 tricks in the suit. He won JH and played a diamond to Ten and my Queen. I continued a heart, Derek continued a diamond to Gerry's Ace.
Gerry played KS, I played the 3 to show my count. Gerry now made key play of 9S. It doesn't matter if Derek has QS, I must have club entry and can play my third spade through Dummy's Jack. As it happens I win and so we made 4 spades, 2 diamonds and a club for down 1. 80% as 1NT was making elsewhere.
Gerry opened a very cheeky 1NT passed round to South who was able to bid a natural 2C. Well I don't want to defend this and it being match points chose to gamble on 2H rather than 2D. This goes off on AK clubs, club ruff and a spade switch. However when luck is with you.... South played AC and switched to QD. I won in hand and played AH and ducked a heart to North's Ten. A diamond forced South to ruff with QH and now King and another club couldn't be ruffed. I just played on diamonds and let South ruff whenever. My spade loser was going away for 8 tricks and a top.
Definitely riding my luck here. I opened East 2NT with my 23 points and singleton King. Gerry checked for 4 hearts and bid 3NT. South found the club lead alright, fortunately for me it was a small one. I ran my 12 winners and the opposition failed to keep enough hearts so I made 13 tricks.
I nearly opened East 1NT but passed. Norman opened South 1H and Gerry overcalled 2C. Colin passed and I bid 2H, Gerry 2NT and I bid 3NT. Three out of eight found this excellent contract.
Colin led a diamond to Dummy's Jack and a club immediately found the King. Another diamond was taken by Colin (not best) who now played a heart but that was it, twelve tricks were there.
Again a bit of luck. I opened that super East hand 1H, Phoebe overcalled 1S and Gerry bid 3C which shows a solid raise to 2H. Robina bid 3S and I bid 4D. Gerry 4H and I bid 5D. Gerry bid 5H. As it was Phoebe led a heart and I played KC from Dummy, covered and ruffed and so could cross to Dummy with a trump and discard my losing spade. Twelve tricks. Of course in a slam South would have cashed AS.
The thing is neither of us know what my diamond bids mean. Would I have bid the same with a void? However the bidding must show I have a diamond suit but even then, was I looking for a spade control??? No idea, but often I would just punt 6H on this hand expecting it to be on a diamond finesse at worst. It was just my night for getting things right.