I considered this for a while, but there were too many negative possibilities to risk the 5 level and I would always be guessing if we are missing a keycard whether we have two top losers, so 4H it was. However everyone else is in spades of course and I make 12 to their 11 with a club discard on the 5th spade.
I made a bit of an error on this board to get us an above average (we are E/W):

I led the 8H won in dummy, the 7S runs to my 9 and it doesn’t occur to me to cash AD and give partner a ruff. I know Lucas is usually only a 4 card minor, but we were told it was 5 and it was obviously not clubs. I just continued with JH. This was taken in dummy and a diamond led, partner produces the King, whew! It’s a silly game that turns basic errors into plusses. The contract was 1 down as partner exits with a heart, ruffed and declarer plays another diamond. We made 2 diamonds, 2 spades a club and a ruff.
However we got a zero on the next board:

We got a good score on board 11, again E/W

I got a zero on this board, again I am East.

I get the obvious spade lead and play a club to the 10 and Ace, so I now have an obvious 8 tricks. However at the end I manage to exit with a diamond and get a heart lead for 9. I’m the only one up at 4C, but 3NT is actually a great contract here and someone found that. Only a diamond lead ducked and continued followed by excellent defence by North can stop 9 tricks.

We did get one top before the end on board 22:

So 3D came round to me and I doubled. I wouldn’t automatically do this at Pairs, but I know North overcalls light even at the two level.
After a heart lead, Adrianne plays the AKQ forcing dummy to ruff, this ensures two trump tricks for me giving us 2 hearts, 2 diamonds a club and a spade for 2 off.