We got off to a good start against Charles & Vi after a dubious bid by me.

Joan is South and opens 1D, Vi overcalls 1S and I bid 2D(?). Charles shows a raise to 3S by 2H (nothing to do with hearts) and Joan bids 3C. Vi bids 4S to end auction.
Now without the 3C bid I would have led a diamond, but there is probably only 1 trick for us and if Joan has the Ace it hopefully won't go away, so I led 2C.
Vi can hardly finesse in spades, so we get 2 clubs, a diamond and a trump.
Note if I lead a diamond, Joan wins the Jack, exits with a heart and Vi will end play her with the 3rd spade which is exactly how Adrianne played in when she made 4S at her table.
A top came for us on this hand.

Joan opens an excellent 1NT and East bids an Astro 2D.
Now I am sure I should bid 3D, but just bid a direct 3NT. Declarer can defeat this by leading Ace then Jack of hearts, but in the real world led a small spade and Joan had no problem making 10 tricks.
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