Friday, 17 December 2010

Xmas Party

After 2 and a half years I am going to try to return to sharing some of my occasional brilliances and frequent disasters at the bridge table.

We all had a great night at our Xmas party on Thursday and I had one top score to show off, though as usual it came about by accident:

Dealer East, both Non-vul

South: .............AT7x



East .....QJ5 .................xx

..........Kxxx ................Jxx

..........KJxx ................Qxx

..........Kx ..................JTxx





Dave France, obviously not playing weak NT, opens 1H, Adrianne has an awkward choice between a 1NT overbid or a double. Personally I would gone for 1NT (which would have got us to 4S via Stayman), but double it was. Bob Brown stirs it up by bidding 2H. I bid 2S which goes round to Adrianne who, presumably after thinking about bidding 1NT, has it in her head she has 16 points, so bids 3S and I bid 4S.

Dave leads a small heart and dummy goes down. Well how do you get 10 tricks out of this lot while only losing 3? Trumps have to be 3-2, I need the heart finesse and then bring clubs home so they have to be 3-3 with K onside. However what are the opponents hands? Hearts are 4-3 so Dave has at least 12 points for his opening, Bob is under valued. Dave can't have KQJ of diamonds or would have led them, I need him to have KH, really he is well odds on to have KC. A fall back will be to get as many ruffs as possible. So I'll try to bring clubs home while ruffing what I can.

Trick 1 finesse QH

trick 2 cash AH

trick 3 ruff a heart

trick 4 Ace of clubs

trick 5 small club, West doesn't go up with K so I duck and Dave wins King

trick 6, what does Dave play?

A trump loses his trump trick, doesn't like diamond from KJ, so tries 4th (winning) heart. Bob can't see any gain by ruffing small so discards a diamond and I ruff.

We now have :

South: .............AT7x

.................... -
.................... -
East .....QJ5 .................xx
.......... - ................. -
..........KJxx ................Qxx
.......... - ..................JT
..................... -

I'm in hand, I have 5 tricks for the loss of 1 and really must make 10 from 3 more spades, a diamond and a club by playing K, A and another spade now, however what if Dave started 4-4 in the majors?

So I played a small club. If Dave had 4 spades, a small ruff is no good as I over-ruff and play 3 spades making 10. A ruff with the Jack means I over-ruff, diamond to the A and now QC, if Dave takes QS I only have a diamond to lose, if he discards, my Queen wins and again I'll have 10 tricks.

As the cards lay it didn't matter, Dave actually discarded, I returned to AD and led QC and made 10 that way.

A complete top as nobody else bids 4S, excellent 3S bid partner

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