I assume at every table West opens 3S. I bid 3NT which was passed out. I was allowed to win the spade lead and East discarded a heart on the run of the diamonds giving me 13 tricks. However most people were in 5D or even 4D. Presumably they doubled the 3S opener. I couldn't see the logic in that. Yes I have 4 hearts, but what if partner doesn't? What can I do over 4C? So I thought 3NT was the only logical bid.
Only 5 of us in 4H and only 2 made 11. After a spade lead to King and Ace I laid down AH and played another. Nat tried a small spade but my Jack won and I discarded a club. A diamond to the 10 and Ace and the rest of the tricks are mine.
If Nat finds a diamond exit I've got too many spades to get rid of and have only 10 tricks. However it will be a no brainer to finesse the club. If it loses I make 10 anyway, 11 if it wins.
Against John Larkin & Rob we got a great score here for beating 4S. John opened 1NT as West (bit cheeky) and after a transfer finds himself in 4S. I led a spade won by the King, Queen is cashed and then A & K of diamonds and a diamond ruff. Rob now plays a club and I rise with the Ace. Adrianne plays the Jack. I don't think she would waste that with Jx, but might be J10. Anyway I know she has 4 diamonds, 3 spades (Rob didn't break the transfer) and length in hearts. Is it 5 hearts? Well I decided to go for that, returned a small club and Rob went up with the King, ruffed and an unavoidable further club to lose.
Finally one that most people made but I went down on against Jack & Robert. Our bidding was simply 1H - 2H - 4H and Jack led a club. I won in dummy and led a heart to the Ace. Now with 5 missing hearts are more likely to be 3-2, so this can be doubleton QJ. I certainly can't afford at MPs to throw an overtake away, so I returned a heart to the King. I played a spade now and Jack won the Ace and played two rounds of trumps. I can only make 9 tricks.