Playing N/S with Joan we came 3rd with 55.5%.
On boards 7 & 8 we were against Cathy & Bob.
P - 1C - 2Ca - P
2S - P - 3Ca - P
3D - P - 3H - P
4C - P - 6H - P
6S - passed out
2C was at least 5-5 in majors, 3C was to establish I am too good for 4S. Joan's Diamond and Club bids were excellent. I am sure 4C is an Ace, but I don't know if the diamond bid might just show a decent suit.
My heart bids were to show my 7 card suit.
Of course if I just bid 4NT over the 2S I can bid 7, why didn't I think of that?! Anyway, nobody bid 7, but we got a good score. How? Well some people doubled the 1C opener and their partner left it in!!
1D - 4S - 5C - 5S - passed out.
4S always makes losing 2 clubs and a heart. Joan's 5C bid was well judged, although it can go 3 off on a club lead.
Anyway Cathy had no chance having to lose 2 clubs and a heart.
Another good score as reults were all over the place with only 1 better than ours.
Ann McLeod and Margaret McCallum are in a slender 4S here, not realising how slender!
Margaret opened 1C, I bid 1H, Ann 1S, Margaret jumped to 3S and Ann bid 4.
Joan led 8H taken by dummy's Ace. Ann cashed two top spades and then a diamond to my Queen. I cashed KH, Joan dumps a diamond. I give Joan a heart ruff, diamond to my Ace and now a diamond ruff. Joan exits with KC and makes the Queen later for down 3.
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