We started well against Phoebe & Robina. Our bidding went
P - P - 1NT - 2Ca
2S - P - P - 3D
P - 3H - passed out
Joan led KS and I decided to overtake and return a diamond. Phoebe took her Queen and led a club, Joan wins the Ace and plays a diamond which I ruff.
I played a spade back, ruffed in dummy. Declarer leads another diamond which I ruff and I play a high spade. I am given another ruff, put the lead back in dummy
Alec led 8C and I ducked Raymond's 10. Raymond continued JC which I took. I led a small spade and Alec rose with the King and exited with his 3rd club which I took, discarding a diamond. I now go over to QS and lead a heart to my Queen.
I now cash two spades, again discarding a diamond. Alec lets two diamonds go. Now the distribution was becoming clear and having noted Raymond's 9H earlier I can see it is likely to be a doubleton Ace, so I exit with a small heart. Sure enough Raymond wins the Ace and cashes QC, but Alec thinks he is sqeezed and lets JD go hoping his partner has QD and I make the last three tricks. I couldn't have got a long heart as there was no further entry to dummy.
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