Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Monday 4 July

Playing N/S with Adrianne we came 5th with 55%
I got us a bad score on this board against Ian & Michelle. The bidding went:
1D - 2C - P - 2S
P - 3S - P - 4S
I led Ace and another diamond which Adrianne ruffed, returning a heart that I had signalled. Michelle was in control now and made her 10 tricks.
AD is a terrible lead, declarer has no chance on any other lead.

However I managed to get it back on the next board.
Without interference Ian & Michelle bid:
1D - 1H - 2C - 2NT - 3H - 3NT.
I led a small spade and Adrianne played the 4 under the Ace. Obviously Michelle has 4 spades to go with her 4 hearts.
Declarer now plays a small diamond from dummy and Adrianne plays the Ten, clearly either doubleton Tx or AT. I took the KD and hoping Michelle's doubleton club wasn't Qx I played KC which was ducked. Small club to Adrianne's Ten and the clubs are cleared. Adrianne wins the next diamond and takes her clubs then gives me my KS for 3 down.

Two interesting boards against Moira & Mary.
I opened 1C and the bidding went:
1C - x - 1D - P
1S - P - 2C - 2H
3C - passed out
Mary led a small heart to the Ace. Moira would have been better to return a spade, but a heart was played back to dummy's King. I played a diamond to Mary's Ace and she played a third heart which I ruffed, I now played Ace and a small club with Mary has to win and she exits with a diamond. I take a third diamond, throwing a spade, play a spade to the 9 and Mary has to give a ruff and discard or lead into my AQ spades.
On the next board I opened 1S raised to 2S by Adrianne. It is a rather non-descript 16 count, but I thought it worth a trial bid of 3C. adrianne took an excellent view and bid 4S.
After an ominous AC lead, luck was on my side with the suit breaking.
When KS takes the TS from West I was in a quandary, but reckoned most people wouldn't be in game and of those who were, most would play for the drop, so I did that and made 11.

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