Two interesting boards against Charles & Vi.
1C - P - 1H - 1S
3C - 3S - P - 4S
5C - x - passed out
The defence didn't find their heart ruff and I lost the obvious spade, heart and club for 1 down.
Double dummy 4S can't make but I am never leading KD and when Adrianne wins AS she is not under leading AD. So with 2 diamonds and a spade to lose would Vi have made 4S?
On the bidding ruffing out KH looks unlikely however I'll lead AC, no doubt a trump is led and Adrianne will return a black card. After trumps are drawn, if Vi plays a diamond now and finds Adrianne with the Ace, then I must surely have KH and AH and a ruff will bring 4S home. Two pairs played 4S and both went down.
Here Adrianne opened 1NT, Vi doubled (2 suits), I redouble to show a minor, Charles bids 2H, passed round to me and I bid 3D. Charles works out it is the majors so bids 3S and Adrianne wary of pushing them into game, avoids a 4D bid and it is passed out.
4S is unbeatable with just a heart, diamond and club to lose (I neglected to give partner AH, so Charles made 11).
Only 1 pair managed to bid 4S (Davna & Barbara) but two N/S pairs found 3NT which is stiff. Nine top winners on a spade lead, a heart lead to K and A with a heart return makes 10, on a diamond lead, run JH. On a very unlikely club it still makes but double dummy knowing it is doubleton. Well done Bob & Cathy and Peter & Willie. Not often there is a major game one way and 3NT the other way.
Only three pairs bid slam on this hand. Our bidding against Victor and Willie went without interference:
1H - 2D - 3C - 3S - 4H - 5H - 6H
Adrianne won't bid 3C without a good hand. If she bids 3N over my 3S though I'll pass but 4H is a good bid. Now I know she has 6 hearts she can easily have a singleton spade. Even with 6 hearts to AKQ and AQxx clubs with doubleton spade, West can't lead a spade from KJ or whatever. Anyway rather than bid RKC I employed my favourite gadget, the buck passing bid of 5H. Having a good partner she knew what to do (with two small spades she will surely pass) and 6H is easy.
Got out of this second last board unbloodied. Against Steve and Mike much to my surprise, Steve opened 1D. Adrianne conservatively bid 2S, passed back to Steve who doubled and Mike left it in.
JH was led to the King and Steve returned a trump. Adrianne cashed AK spades, gave up a diamond and made 7 for -100.
More interesting if East opens 1C on this hand, even with a 3S overcall West can see 5C depending on the hearts. Anyway lots of good scores E/W way either 5C for 600, 4H for 650 or 5Dx for 500. Two pairs played it in 4S our way --- undoubled.
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