Playing N/S with John came second with 55%.
Catherine Gerrard playing with Stewart Pinkerton bid the E/W hands to 3NT after 1N - 2C - 2S - 2N - 3N
John led KH to Ace and Declarer with a lot to do started on diamonds. I took the third round, John discouraging in spades. So I know Catherine's exact holding in the reds and she has 8 black cards and (I assumed) 12 or 13 points in those suits. I also know she has at most AJ of spades so I imagined her hand as something like AJxx xx J10x AQJx, maybe even AKJx of clubs, I just couldn't see the club switch so continued a heart. Catherine is home now, just giving me a spade. Very bad score.
Got a good score on this hand against David and Katie just because of an innocent enough lead.
Our bidding simply went 1H - 1S - 2H
David led 5C to Katie's K and I ducked. Katie is stuck now. Play another club, I win Ace and ruff a club for 9 tricks. Katie does best to switch to a heart to David's Ace, but David naturally thinks there are some clubs to cash and continues a club to my Jack and so I got 9 tricks that way, 4 hearts, 2 clubs, 2 spades and a diamond.
Charles and Vi went through a convoluted bidding sequence to arrive at 6H. On the way Vi showed something good in diamonds, Charles had clubs.
So, I didn't fancy a minor suit lead and nor did I like the singleton heart as my partner could have a useful holding, so I plumped for the spade and led the 4.
Vi played the Jack, John the King and Vi wins the Ace. This is fairly straightforward now, losing finesse in hearts, win spade return in hand, draw trumps, cash AC and over to 10S. Disaster of a lead. It can make because of John's club holding and my lack of trumps allowing three diamond discards after two rounds of trumps, but I made it so easy.
Mike Alexander and Stewart Duguid were the only other pair to bid this and they also got a spade lead.
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