Playing in a Howell with john came 1st with 63%. Got a few gifts on the way.

This one wasn't a gift, just a mistake that provided good fortune. Against Mary & Davna, Davna opened South 1NT, John overcalled 2D and I alerted, asked what it was I said Astro (my mistake), I then bid 3S and this was passed out. Davna led AH and switched to a spade. I took AK, heart to K, ruffed a heart with JS then led a diamond to King and Ace. Davna gave Mary a diamond ruff, Mary played a club, I took the Ace, drew the last trump and claimed the rest for 10 tricks. John then realised that he used unauthorised information and should have bid 4S, I was just checking with Charles when he then realised that I made 10, so it would have been even worse for our opponents! Plus 170 was obviously a top.

Most were in 3NT on the E/W hands. That looks easy enough to defeat but running 6 clubs has obviously caused a few spade discards as some made it. Against Issy and Gerry our bidding went
P - P - 1C - 1S
P - 2S - x - P
4H - passed out
I led 2S to John's Ace and he promptly returned QC. Gerry played a heart, I grabbed the Ace, gave partner a club ruff and John cashed AD for 1 down. Seems straightforward but 3 people were in 4H, one made 11, one made 10 and we put it down.
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