This was very nearly a flat board, everyone in 4S making 12 except for us against Nat and Peter.
I opened 1S, Adrianne bid 2D and I bid 3C. Now this promises 15 points and is game forcing. If my singleton had been in diamonds, I would have bid 2S, but with the diamond bid I am too strong for just 2S.
Adrianne now bids 3S which is strong in a game forcing situation but I try to sign off in 4S. Adrianne is undaunted by my failure to cue bid clubs and goes on to the slam.
Nothing to the play, my diamond loser goes on the heart and clubs get ruffed for one loser.
A third in hand opening bid made us the only pair to bid game here. After two passes, John opened 1S which leaves Adrianne with a difficult call. She made the practical choice of 2NT, Rob bid 3S and I bid 5C. This went round to John who doubled.
Rob led a club I won in dummy with the Ace and I had no problem, AD, heart, diamond ruff, heart, diamond ruff. I don't need to try for 12 I just cashed QC and spade exit and can just lose a diamond for 11 tricks.
Everyone else is in 2C making 11 or 12, you can see the bidding going 3 passes, 1D, 1H by North, 2C and passed out.
Another lucky score against Jack and Robert. After 3 passes Adrianne opened 1D, I bid 1H and Jack came in 2C. Adrianne doubles which promises at least 15 points and not a natural 2NT bid. I left it in.
Jack had no chance after KD, getting count, cashing a spade to show the position and AD, ruff, no way to avoid 2 hearts and another spade loser as well as KC for 3 off.
800 isn't so great if we make our vulnerable game, but who will play in 4H or 4S? 3NT by North goes off on a natural club lead and even if South plays it, West might find the club lead on the bidding.
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