Playing N/S with Adrianne came well down with a Butler score of -10. Three bad scores of -11 or -12 ruined our set.
This was a good score as I found myself in 3N after a 1N - non promising Stayman raise to 2N and I bid game. Rather thin and I needed a lucky lie of the cards as well as a bit of help from defenders.
Mary led 4C and my 10 held the trick, the layout of that suit now being obvious. I need diamond tricks so immediately led 5D to my King and Mary's Ace. Mary exited with 8H and I let Moira's Q win the trick. Moira returned a heart to my Ace. I played a club and Mary won her Q, cashed the Ace and played the 4th club to my King (obviously no hearts left). Now I needed the spade finesse, but also a way back to hand for the diamond, only hope was a cover. SO I led QS, MAry duly covered and I won AS, cashed 10S and back to my Jack. I nearly have an exact count but Moira has discarded two diamonds, so I just double check, yes she had 6 hearts, 1 club, has followed to 3 spades and played 3 diamonds, so a 'confident' finesse of 10D gave me the rest of the tricks.
One of our bad scores playing against Michael Rosenberg's son Kevin and Brian Spears.
Kevin opened 1D, Adrianne 1H, Brian 1S, Kevin 3C and Brian 3N.
I led TH to Kevin's Ace and Brian cleverly led a club from Dummy to the Ten and Ace. I played another heart to Adrianne's King and and she plays JH to Brian's Queen. Now comes all the diamonds and Adrianne has to discard one heart and one spade. Brian cashes AS and exits with a heart forcing Adrianne to lead into KJ of clubs. Great stuff, the majority went down in 3N.
Got a bit back on the next board when Adrianne opened 2S. At Match Points I might pass but never at this scoring, there are all sorts of chances of game. Anyway after 2N Adrianne showed a max and 4S it was.
No defence, two diamond tricks followed by a heart, AS, 6S, JS, QS, KS and Adrianne could claim.
Most did not bid the game.
An impossible 3N I found myself in after a 1N - 3N auction, however a defensive error gave me a chance. Moreen led 3S and for some reason Ernestine played the 9 and my Jack won. However if I play on clubs and they don't break, setting up the 5th leaves me in danger of a diamond switch and I'll be going down. I have to play on hearts and with an eye on the intermediates, I can make 3 heart tricks and if clubs don't break, 3 clubs, 2 spades and a diamond. So a heart to the Queen and 9H to the Jack and Ace, no diamond switch. Now when I tried clubs and found Moreen had four to go with her four spades, I took the heart finesse for a lucky game.
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