Thursday, 18 July 2013

Thursday 17 July

Playing N/S with Gerry came second with 56% which was pretty good after a poor start.  On our first board I was faced with a difficult bidding problem.

Gerry opened 1N, Nat passed. Now at aggregate I tend to shut my eyes and bid 3N with this sort of hand. However it is MPs, first board of the night, you know most of the field will be going for a club part score.  Also I have to bid 2S which gives Paul an easy way into the bidding as he can double.  I might even be faced with 4S when the bidding comes back to me.
Eventually I decided to go with the field and bid 2S, sure enough Paul doubled, but Gerry bid 2N (promising 3 to a top honour) and Nat passed.
Well now I know we have 8 tricks I can't stop myself and bid 3S, doubled by Paul and a trusting Gerry bids 3N.
7S lead to the Ace, Paul pauses then plays QH, AH, and 7 tricks to the defence for down 3.

Later I got away with murder with a similar sort of hand but less prospects than that one:

I opened South 1N and Gerry bid 2S, Dave now came in 3D (3C would have worked well getting them to 4S). A rush of adrenalin made me bid 3N, well, a diamond to Ace,  if partner has JS, .... Anyway Bob led 3D to Dave's Ace and naturally Dave tried AS.  Well what would you do as Bob? Encourage of course, KS, 3rd spade and I had 10 tricks.
As I said, I got away with murder.

Missed the Grand Slam here, thankfully.  Gerry opened 1D, I bid 2C and Gerry bid 2H. Now falsifying a major is definitely not recommended, however if 3N is the contract, you have told partner where your high cards are and if partner jumps to 4H that will be a making contract if trumps are no worse than 4-2
Anyway I am very strong after this reverse and tried a 4th suit 2S which Helen doubled, Gerry passed this back to me.
So Gerry can't have points in the black suits, at best Qx of spades though that is doubtful, he must be loaded with the top red suit cards.  I bid 6D.
Colin led QS taken by Ace, a diamond played to reveal the split forced Gerry to try AKQ clubs to get rid of his spades, a heart ruff then gave all the tricks bar the JD.
For those with an Acol 2D bid available (or through Benji) and decide to stretch the North hand a little and bid it as an 8 trick strong hand, South should have no problem bidding 7D.  Luckily for them nobody did.

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