Friday, 31 January 2014

Thursday 30 January

Playing in a Howell type movement with Gerry we finished first with an amazing 77%.  Obviously some gifts and a lot of luck to obtain that score.

Board 1 was an example of how things can just go well for you on the night. As East I opened 1N and after a transfer to hearts and raise to 3N by Gerry, I declared 4H.
John led JS, looked like shortage, so I took KS in Dummy and Ian notably followed with the 4. I took four rounds of trumps ending in Dummy and led 9S.  Ian followed with the 2 so the spade layout was clear.  I ran the 9, finessed the 10 and cashed AS throwing a diamond.  I conceded AC for 12 tricks and a top.

Again I am East and our bidding went 1S - 2D - 2H - 2S - 4S.
Marilyn found the best lead of a trump which I took in Dummy with the Jack and led 10H.  Steve played small as did I, Marilyn won QH and exited with a trump.
I figure some other pairs won't get a spade lead and have an easy 10 tricks, maybe 11 if clubs split.  I am looking at 9 or 10 tricks, so as we are playing match points I won in hand and finessed QD.  Great, AD throw a heart, diamond ruff, all follow.  Now I have
9            A4               ruffing a heart will only lead to 10
-            K4               tricks.  I reckon I can afford to try the
84          -                  clubs.  So I play KC then QC and
                                                                   QJ87        K52              Steve took the Ace returning a spade.
I ruffed a diamond, went over to Dummy and all were good for 11 tricks.

This is how luck really goes with you. Victor opened 2H and as East I doubled, round to Gerry who bid a Lebensohl style 2N. I complied with 3C and Phil bid 3H.  Gerry now shows his max and heart stop by bidding 3N and this was passed out.
Victor led KH and Gerry coolly ducked. Victor continued hearts, Gerry took the Ace, ran five clubs, finessed a spade, ten tricks.
Of course Victor should have stopped to think for a moment before blindly continuing hearts when he has no entry, Phil must have values somewhere, but even so he could have chosen a club.  Fortune favours the brave.

Here we are N/S and after East passes, Gerry opens a cheeky Lucas 2S.  Les bids 3C and I bid 4S passed out.
Les led KC taken by Ace, Gerry played a spade to his Ace and finessed 10H to Shirish.  A diamond return garnered two tricks to the defence but Les failed to play a third and exited with a club.  Gerry ruffed, drew trumps and a heart showed up the suit for 10 tricks.

We were the only pair to bid slam on this last board.  I was North and made an error failing to open a Lucas 2S.  SO it was two passes to Gerry who opened 1D and Les doubled. I bid 1S and Shirish doubled (presumably showing the other two suits)..  Gerry reversed with 2H, Les passes and I bid 5D.  Gerry raised to 6D.
Les led a club taken by Ace and Gerry led a diamond and went up with the Ace.  That was it, just give up AS and 12 tricks.

If I had opened 2S, Gerry would have bid 2N asking, I bid 3D (min with diamonds) and Gerry reckons he bids 6D anyway.

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