Wednesday, 11 February 2015

West District Pairs

Playing E/W (with a few arrow switches) in the semi at the Buchanan, Gerry and I came top.

Helped considerably by two tops against Les & Shirish.

After two passes Les opened 2H, I bid 3C and Shirish 4H.  As usual Gerry, happy to play in 5C, finds an excellent bid of 4S.  Les bids 5H and I pause. I certainly don't like bidding 5 over 5 with just 3 card support and Gerry can't have 6 (he didn't show a weak two). Gerry must have clubs however, 4S is too daring otherwise.  So I bid 5S.  Good decision.
Gerry played it perfectly winning the KD lead with the Ace, AS, finesse 9S, draw trumps, run the clubs.
Everyone else defended hearts, either 4H making or 5Hx -1.  Doesn't compete with 680.

On the next board Gerry opened 1S, I bid 2H and Gerry found a 3D bid.  I bid 4S.
Les led a trump, seems reasonable as we both seem to have some distribution. Gerry draws trumps, gets the hearts right, loses a club and makes 11.
Everyone else is in 4H.  They get a club lead to Ace and I assume South now finds the only hope, the diamond switch (easy when you see Dummy).  If you let that go to the King, a diamond back ensures one off.  If you go up with the Ace you can make, even if North drops the King because South has AH.
Everyone went two down, did they all play heart to Q?

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