Playing N/S with Adrianne came third with a Butler score of 19.
A tale of 3 slams really, the first a triumph, the other two less so!
Against Robert & Frances I opened 1C, Adrianne bid 1S, I reversed with 2D and Adrianne bid 3D.
I know Adrianne has 5 spades and 4 diamonds, so probably 1, 2 or 3 clubs. In all cases I have decent chances with the suit, just give Adrianne KS and KD and I can make slam. I bid 6D.
Adrianne's hand was perfect. Frances led a small heart to my 10, though that gift was irrelevant, just bring the clubs in. I played AC, ruffed a club small noting Robert's 10. I came back to hand with AH and led another club intending to ruff with King if Frances follows, but she put in 10D, I over-ruffed, drew trumps and surrendered a club for 12 tricks.
Nobody else found 6D, 3N by North being popular.
Against Mervyn & Lewis I opened 1H, Adrianne bid 1S and I bid 2C and Adrianne bid 4S. I love my controls but worry about the singleton spade, are Adrianne's that good? I passed; with the QS falling and clubs running there were 13 easy tricks.
As I had put Dummy down I remarked I would have liked to have bid on but was deficient in spades. However I realised that Adrianne and I have an understanding that if I bid 5S I am simply asking her to bid 6 on the quality of her trumps. With my hand I could have afforded the 5 level and should have done that, Adrianne would then bid 6S.
Against Alan & Myra I opened 1H, Alan bid 2D and Adrianne 3D (too strong just to bid 4H). However being weakish I just bid 4H. However Adrianne with AK of trumps can't see how how a slam might be on and counting her KD as the Ace, bid 6H.
Alan made no mistake, led a trump, I took two rounds and when I played a diamond up, Alan took the Ace and exited with QD. At the end I remarked if I had had a diamond in my hand I make it on a squeeze. If Alan had ducked the diamond (not a good idea) or not continued a diamond, I would have a diamond in hand. When I run all the hearts, my last 3 cards will be 9D, A7C, Alan has to keep K9C, QD, Dummy can come to K7D and QC, so I make 2 diamonds and AC. Or if Alan comes down to QJD KC, I'll keep Q10C in Dummy and KD, so will make A & QC and KD.
Good defence.
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