Two boards against Steve & Mike are both slams for us, however we missed the first one.
After 3 passes Adrianne opened 1S, I bid 1NT, 3C by Adrianne and 3NT by me.
I got a decent MP score because Mike led a heart and when I advanced QC it was covered so 12 tricks, but -6 on Butler as 5 made the slam.
In 6H, 2 diamonds and 2 clubs go on the spades so as long as you organise a diamond ruff, you don't need the club finesse.
I thought it wouldn't really have cost to bid 3H, if Adrianne is 5-5 then 5C (or 6C) will be a good contract. Adrianne wasn't sure that she would have bid any more than 4H if I had, but I think she can. Next time though the club finesse will be wrong.
The next slam was a flat 6NT with 34 points between us.
Did go for a slam on this hand against Katie & Winnie. Adrianne opened 1S and the bidding went:
1S - 3D - 3H - 3S - 4S - 6S
When Adrianne just says 4S I reckon she is not looking at KD, still a singleton diamond could be enough, if not a finesse so I just bid it.
As the cards lie it can't fail. There were four 6S, two 6D and one incredibly brave 6NT.
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