It seems to me that partner will have around 13 points and 4 hearts, I could so easily have passed but had to put my oar in with 2H. Of course Robert bids 3H, Adrianne 3S and Celia 4H. Robert loses the obvious heart, spade and one diamond, ruffing the other for 10 tricks.
We might have had 4S on, but it always turns out the opposite way.
I opened a fairly pathetic 3C and Alec overcalled 3NT, passed out.
Adrianne led a small heart and Alec won QH, finessed a club and cashed his 8 tricks hoping for the best. Adrianne though is not under any pressure and keeps her 5 winners for 1 down

I led a small heart to Jack and King, QC goes to Adrianne's King and a heart back leaves Raymond high and dry. Another club lets me signal a spade and Adrianne wins and puts me in to cash the hearts for 3 down.
However Raymond immediately notices that he can make if he ducks the first heart and so he probably will (though if Adrianne ducks clubs twice it will be difficult, though still possible).
As usual we all play to quickly to the first trick.

Our bidding went the obvious:
1S - P - 2H - P
3H - P - 4H - passed out
Adrianne was the only one to make.
David led a club to the Ace, Kate cashed AK of diamonds and exited with a heart.
With one club ruff Adrianne had her 10 tricks. If Kate doesn't cash the diamonds, best exit is a heart and I can't see how Adrianne can make now.
I led AH and switched to JS. David took Ace, crossed in diamonds, ruffed a heart, crossed in diamonds, ruffed a heart. Played a top diamond and discarded the last heart.
I have to ruff and can only cash AC to give David his 10 tricks.
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