Tuesday, 22 March 2011

WD Sim pairs 21 march

Playing with Adrianne we didn't do too well, 3rd with 54%, but didn't have much luck.
We were East / West

After 2 passes Derek Shafer opened 1H, opposite a passed hand, 4H is probably better. Anyway our bidding was:
P – P – 1H – x
P – 2S – 4H – 4S
5H – x – P – 5S

I don’t know where Alan’s 5H came from but Adrianne thought for a while then made the good decision to bid on but couldn’t find the slam. After the heart lead and King and another spade, 13 tricks rolled in.

Lost out here against Bob McKinnon and Ian Patrick who found the game against us.
I opened 1NT as East, Bob bid 2S and Ian made an excellent bid of 4S. There was nothing in the play, we made the obvious 2 clubs and a diamond.
More interesting would be the non-weak no trumpers who would open 1C with my hand, 5C will probably go 2 off (a diamond from South and a diamond back before AK hearts go is the only way to make it 3 off). Either way a good save.

Against Ian & Betty Morrison, our bidding went :
1NT – 3S – 4H – 4S
P – P – x

The 3S left me unable to show 2 places to play as 3NT would be to play. If North had bid 4S immediately I would have bid 4NT and ended in 5H. This makes double dummy, but I wouldn’t have made it.
Anyway we found the perfect defence, I led a small heart to dummy’s Ace, Jack of spade is led and Adrianne correctly goes up with the Ace, I signal a diamond. We cash 3 diamonds, Adrianne exits with a heart, ruffed. Declarer tries a club but I go up with Ace, exit a heart and declarer has to lose QS for 3 off.

Ian Morrison made an unbelievable bid on this hand.
North opens 1S, South 1NT, North 4S!

Nothing can stop 10 tricks: 6 spades, 2 hearts and 2 diamonds.

You can't argue with success.

Here against Gerry & Ileen I opened 1NT which is what we do with this distribution, but immediately regretted not opening 1S as I am too strong for a weak NT.
Anyway Ileen bid the obvious 2H passed round to me and now I bid 2S. Adrianne comes to life with 3S, Gerry bids 4H and I bid 4S which Gerry doubles.

On this bidding Ileen leads the obvious singleton club and the 8 in dummy holds. I finesse a spade, Ileen leads a heart and is crestfallen as I win the Ace and no ruff materialises. I take out trumps, finesse again in clubs and make the rest of the tricks for 1190.
You can't argue with success!

Ileen gave us a bottom on the next hand by being the only one to bid 6H.

Another top for us was in this hand where I was the only one to make 12.
Kate opened 1C as South, Adrianne doubled, David passed I bid 2S and Adrianne 4S.
Kate led the Ace of clubs and switched to a small heart. I won in dummy, crossed to AS and ruffed a club, David's King fell.
Now even when dummy went down I was 80% sure that Kate would have KD, there are only 14 missing points and she opened. With David having KC I am 100% certain about the KD as otherwise Kate would have opened 3C. So in due course I laid down the Ace of diamonds and dropped the singleton King.

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