We were East / West
P – P – 1H – x
P – 2S – 4H – 4S
5H – x – P – 5S
I don’t know where Alan’s 5H came from but Adrianne thought for a while then made the good decision to bid on but couldn’t find the slam. After the heart lead and King and another spade, 13 tricks rolled in.
I opened 1NT as East, Bob bid 2S and Ian made an excellent bid of 4S. There was nothing in the play, we made the obvious 2 clubs and a diamond.
More interesting would be the non-weak no trumpers who would open 1C with my hand, 5C will probably go 2 off (a diamond from South and a diamond back before AK hearts go is the only way to make it 3 off). Either way a good save.
1NT – 3S – 4H – 4S
P – P – x
The 3S left me unable to show 2 places to play as 3NT would be to play. If North had bid 4S immediately I would have bid 4NT and ended in 5H. This makes double dummy, but I wouldn’t have made it.
Anyway we found the perfect defence, I led a small heart to dummy’s Ace, Jack of spade is led and Adrianne correctly goes up with the Ace, I signal a diamond. We cash 3 diamonds, Adrianne exits with a heart, ruffed. Declarer tries a club but I go up with Ace, exit a heart and declarer has to lose QS for 3 off.
North opens 1S, South 1NT, North 4S!
Nothing can stop 10 tricks: 6 spades, 2 hearts and 2 diamonds.
You can't argue with success.
Anyway Ileen bid the obvious 2H passed round to me and now I bid 2S. Adrianne comes to life with 3S, Gerry bids 4H and I bid 4S which Gerry doubles.
On this bidding Ileen leads the obvious singleton club and the 8 in dummy holds. I finesse a spade, Ileen leads a heart and is crestfallen as I win the Ace and no ruff materialises. I take out trumps, finesse again in clubs and make the rest of the tricks for 1190.
You can't argue with success!
Ileen gave us a bottom on the next hand by being the only one to bid 6H.
Kate opened 1C as South, Adrianne doubled, David passed I bid 2S and Adrianne 4S.
Kate led the Ace of clubs and switched to a small heart. I won in dummy, crossed to AS and ruffed a club, David's King fell.
Now even when dummy went down I was 80% sure that Kate would have KD, there are only 14 missing points and she opened. With David having KC I am 100% certain about the KD as otherwise Kate would have opened 3C. So in due course I laid down the Ace of diamonds and dropped the singleton King.
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