The very first board was good for us
P - 1C - P - 1NT -
P - 2NT - P - 3NT
Margaret mcCallum as South led a small club and I won the 7 in dummy. Lacking entries I had no option but to reverse finesse in spades, Ann McLeod covered my Jack with her Queen and I won the Ace. I now advanced the 10H, covered by Queen and taken by the Ace. I just have to play another heart to set up my 9th trick, but I want to try for 10. So next I played a club to the Ace and a diamond to Queen and King. Ann exits with a spade. No entry to hand, but I play JH and Margaret takes the King and exits with a club. Now I play heart to hand and Ann's play of 2, 3, 6 makes me hopeful she started with 3, so I risk another diamond. If Ann started with AK10x I still make 9 if she doesn't have the last heart. Anyway Margaret produces the 10, Ann has no more hearts and I have 10 tricks for a good Match Point score.
P - P - P - 1NT -
P - P - 2C(Astro) - 2S
3H - long pause, 3S is surely sensible at MPs, but if partner has little in hearts, diamond honour(s) and a club winner - surely quite likely on the bidding - we can make game. Anyway I couldn't resist it -- 4S - passed out.
Joan plays the hand with her usual aplomb. Moira leads a heart to Celia's Ace. Celia return a club to 10 and Jack, but Moira doesn't cash the Ace, she plays another heart. Only 1 club loser now to go with the AH. After drawing trumps Joan ends in hand and advances the QD. Brilliant! 11 tricks made. Just as well Joan's play is up to my bidding. 3S was enough really.
Joan opened 3S and Helen McEwing overcalled 4H. Being vul I am hopeful Joan has 7 to AQ, giving us 9 sure(?) tricks and AD onside or maybe a minor Queen in Joan's hands for game. On the other hand against 4H, Joan is well odds on to be singleton club giving us immediately AC, ruff, KS. With a certain trump trick, 1 off and possibly 2 off with KD onside or a second spade.
Anyway I made the losing choice, 4S. Cathie promptly doubled and Joan can't avoid 2 off.
4Hx can go 2 off after AC, 10C ruffed, spade to King, another club to Jack of trumps. Silly me.
Amazingly, the optimum contract is 3NT by N/S, unbeatable.
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