Playing E/W with Adrianne we did not shine with 45%
We got a bottom score here against Michelle & Ian. Adrianne opened 3S, Ian passed and I though briefly about 4S, but thought we might get to play 3S and get a plus score. However Michelle bid 4C, Ian raised to 5C. Stupid me now has to decide what to do here. I'll bet there isn't a spade trick and there is distribution all round, so 5C looks to make, I bid 5S, doubled by Michelle.
Ian led AH, didn't find the small diamond switch, but played Ace and another diamond. Adrianne played a trump and Michelle gave Ian his ruff for down 2.
Most people got playing in 3S or 4S some making.
Did get one great score against Victor and Brian. Adrianne opened 1D, Victor bid 2C (double better).
I bid 4D and Adrianne put us in 6D.
Now I thought 4D showed this hand, Adrianne thought I had a bit more eg 10 points and a singelton.
Anyway, Victor cashed KC and switched to a trump. Adrianne played TD extracting the Jack from Brian. SO only 6D missing, the cross ruff looks good and so it was. AK hearts and AS just kleft a cross ruff of clubs and the majors for 12 tricks.
On this board against Rhoda & Maurice we also managed 12 tricks. The bidding E/W was 1D - 1H - 1S - 4S. Adrianne is quite good for her bid, but splintering in partner's suit usually causes confusion!
Anyway Maurice led a club, I took Ace and played a diamond to my Ace, Maurice drops the Queen. I played a small diamond ruffed in dummy and with the Jack coming down I have a diamond loser still.
I now played a spade to the Ace, Maurice tried a heart, won in dummy, I cashed a trump and led 8D. Maurice didn't have a spade to I ruffed, ruffed a heart, drew the last trump and claimed.
Our final two boards were against Jim Forsyth & Jim McMahon and were typical of our night.
Adrianne opened 1NT, I bid 2C and passed her 2H. JimMcMahon now find a 3D bid. This comes to me and I bid 3H, round to Jim Forsyth who bids 4D. I doubled, but Adrianne having most of her cards in my majors decided to bid 4H.
This went the obvious 1 off, with the opponents duplication there is no way they can avoid 2 off.
Bottom score.
Finally Jim opened the North hand 1NT, passed out and I led KH. Adrianne played the 3 to show me an odd number. Jim took the Ace and cashed 5D. Adrianne's first discard showed clubs. I then took the view (euphemism for made a stupid mistake) that Adrianne was probably 3 hearts and could hold AQxx of clubs as Jim has 4 - 4 in the reds.
I discarded my 2H, JS and a small club. OOPs
After the diamonds Jim exits with KC to Adrianne's Ace, a heart though now means I have to give Jim 2 clubs.
Pathetic really.
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