Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Monday 22 August

Playing N/S with Adrianne we came 4th with 58%.

We got an extremely fortunate top on this board. After 2 passes I opened 1D and East overcalled 2C, back to me I bid 2S, Adrainne bid 3D.
Now there are pointless hands Adrianne can have (e.g. with doubleton spade and 3 diamonds) where with very fortunate breaks I can make 5D. She might even have 3 spades to a Queen and nothing else and I can make 4S. Anyway I though I was worth one more and if Adrianne can see anything in my suits she can maybe bid game. So I bid 3S. Adrianne doesn't really see much but thinks if he can bid 3S on his own, he might as well be in 4!
So AC, ruffed, AK of Diamonds, AK of spades, ruff a diamond, played a heart, ruffed a club and ran diamonds, they can trump when they want, 10 tricks.
Apologies to Ronnie & Celia.

6 people in 3NT on this board, 4 made it. I didn't. Against Barry Cooper and Lester Cram a heart lead goes to the King. Being in dummy I led a diamond, Lester pounces with the Ace and the hearts are cleared before I have knocked out East's AC.

It is probably Lester's good play that ensures I go down but even so will I make it? If he plays small and my King wins, I will know that Barry can only have AC as a sure entry, so will play club to the King. Now I might try spade to Queen and King, Barry will exit with diamond to Ace and now the hearts are cleared, still 1 down. Of course if I just play another diamond, Barry will eventually be end played in spades, but I wouldn't have found it.

Got a great score here. May N/S are in 3NT which is very adventurous. many in 3D going down.
I however am the only one in 2S. I opened 1NT, Adrianne transferred and 2S is where I played.
The QD was led and after Ace and another spade I avoided a defensive cross ruff just losing 2 spades, a heart a club and 1 ruff.

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