Played this against David and Catherine. Nearly everyone is in 4H, two E/W are in 5C off 2 (only 1 is doubled). Our bidding went : P - P - 1H - 2C - 3H - 4D - 4H - 5C - P - P - poor Adrianne, doesn't know what to make of the diamond fit bid. Personally I place partner's points in spades and just double, but Adrianne bid 5H. Good decision. Diamond to Ace, AC cashed, diamond back to the King. Can't quite remember the order but Adrianne takes AH, finesses a spade, KH, ruffs a diamond and has 11 tricks.
Next board Adrianne opens 1H as South. Well, better check for Keycards. Response of 5S shows two with. Now there must be 15 tricks here, but is there a club loser? Well I don't know but 7H it is, unbeatable. One third of us bid it.
This board is a bit of a disaster against Bill and Norman. Without interference our bidding goes 1S - 2S - 2NT - 3H - 4H. 2N is 17/18 with four spades. A bit pushy, but not unreasonable at Butler. Anyway, Norman avoids the obvious QD lead and finds a small club. Bill taks Ace, cashes AK spades followed by a third to be ruffed, now QD exit and AH shows up my predicament. In the end 3 off. Good one for strong No Trump, they get a 2S overcall!
On the next board we found 6H. I opened 1H, Adrianne prevaricates with 2C, I bid 2D and Adrianne tries 4th suit. I now bid 3NT. Feeling confident I have Ace or King of spades and 14 points, Adrianne bid 6H. Not wishing to lose a possible second spade trick, Norman led a small club, but that allows me to discard my spade loser and so I make 13 tricks. Nearly half of us found this slam.
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