Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Monday 6 February

Bad night, managed to come 3rd bottom, though we had chances for a decent score we failed to capitalise.
Got a poor score on this board against Paul Maiolani and Ronald Gaffin. Adrianne opened 1S, Ronald bid 2S and I bid 4S. Paul does brilliantly to find a 4NT bid, Ronald bids 5D and I hesitate before finally passing.  Really stupid as I am always passing here and I had a little time to realise that as soon as Paul bids 4NT.  Anyway Adrianne passes this out, though would prefer to bid 5S but didn't feel it was clear enough after I paused. 5D is unbeatable, all those clubs give 4 heart discards for -600. Most people are in 4S 1 off.

Played this against Martin Diamond and Alec Cram. Our bidding, without interference, went
      2H - 2S - 3D - 4C - 4S
  Alec led a diamond which I took with the Ace. Now I reckoned if I play club to the Ace, ruff a club, ruff a red card, ruff a club, ruff a red card.  I am down to 4 spades and leading KS to their Ace and being made to ruff again leaves me with QT while they have 3 trumps and KC could be still outstanding.  I reckoned a club finesse is a better shot.  If it loses I am hoping they play trumps to ensure I only have 1 loser and I can afford to lose another club.  If they come back a red card I can ruff, ruff a club and with the suit now set up should be safe to lose 2 trumps and make it.  So finesse a club I did.  Oops, not right with a singleton King.  Lots of people made 4S so presumably played a club to Ace, but I'm still sure the finesse is better. That's bridge.

Made a couple of silly errors here and there and all in all, not our night.

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