Came first N/S with a Butler score of 35, but there was a 25 IMP swing on our very last board.
On this board we got a good score against Davna and Barbara for little effort.
Davna opened West 1NT and Adrianne overcalled 2S. Barbara bid a natural 2NT and Davna bid 3NT. when this came round to me I doubled, this demands a spade lead, but I reckoned it was dummy who had the sure spade stop and it wouldn't cost. Anyway, Adrianne led a small spade, Davna won the King in dummy, finessed QC and then ran the JH to my Queen. I led back 7D to the Jack, Adrianne cashed the King and so we goy 4 diamond tricks. I exit with a spade and all declarer can do is cash out for 2 down, 500 points.
Only 3 pairs managed to be in and make 3NT on this board. Against Moira and Mary I opened 2NT as North. Adrianne went through 5 card Stayman and we end in 3NT.
Moira is stuck for a lead now so tries 9D which runs to my Queen. There are 4 top losers, so no point in trying to set up a long heart. I played a club to Jack and King, a small diamond comes back to my King. QC now to the Ace. Moira has no diamonds, a heart is fatal, so tries a spade, I played the Ten, Mary the Ace and I drop the King (otherwise a club return stops me getting 2 spades). So that's 9 tricks via 2 spades (finessing the Jack), 3 hearts, 2 diamonds and 2 clubs.
Now the last board against Russell and Gerry. Russell opened 2C and without interference it went:
2C - 2S - 3H - 3S - 4C - 6S
Long pause by Gerry before deciding on 6S, who can blame him with an almost running 8 card suit.
Even then I have to find the right lead, but with what looks a certain trump trick it is no problem to lead AD, however swap the red Aces and I lead AH!.
So 13 Butler points to us, whereas 6C gets 12 points to E/W.
Probably easier to find 6C if East just opens a wimpish 1H, then : 1H - 1S - 3C - 3S - 4C - 6C
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