Playing with Gerry came 3rd N/S with 54%
Against louis and Harold I was very lucky to make 6S mainly because I had no idea what was the best line for 12 tricks.
We bid 1S - 2H - 2S - 3C - 3N - 6S
A diamond was led. I've no real option but to ruff this. My instinct is to take a heart finesse, if it wins, ruff a heart and draw trumps the hearts are good. However I hated committing myself to playing a trump to hand, taking a losing heart finesse then having to ruff a diamond with the QS. So I played AH, ruffed a heart, West showing a doubleton. So setting up hearts is no good. I finessed a club, ruffed a heart. took AC, ruffed a heart, ruffed a diamond, ruffed a club, ruffed a diamond with QS and ruffed club with 9S. Ten tricks and I have AK of trumps for 12. I didn't even notice trumps were 4-0 until the defender told me!
Missed a slam on this board against Russell and Len. Our bidding went:
1S - 2H - 2S - 3D - 3NT - 4S
So Gerry has a hand too good for an immediate 4S, however he seems to have a singleton club and I have 6 points in the suit, so despite the diamond fit I just can't go on.
With the singleton JD and trumps 3-2 you cannot fail to make 12 tricks.
I was lucky putting us into game against Anna and Catherine. Gerry bid 1S, Catherine bid 2D and I have to pass. Gerry bids 2S. Assuming this is a 6 card suit, my hand isn't bad. Also not having 4 hearts and knowing partner has few diamond, we are likely to have some kind of club fit. Anyway I tried 3C, Gerry bid 4C and I bid 4S passed out.
Gerry was forced in diamonds, gambled on a doubleton KS and ruffed a heart but still ended with 10 tricks for a top as nobody else bid it.
Against Ian and Bob I was in 4H and got a very poor score as many made 12 tricks.
Ian led JC and I took the Ace. Two round of trumps ending in hand and I led a spade.
Ian doesn't have much option but to take Ace and avoids the club continuation. Instead he finds a small diamond and I am held to 10.
However one person went off and as Bob pointed out, two round of trumps ending in dummy and lead a spade and you have two spade losers to go with two diamonds.
Missed a slam here against Phyllis and Louise. Our bidding went:
1NT - 2H - 2S - 3C - 3H - 4C - 5C
You don't like giving up on 3NT at Pairs and my 3H was just in case partner had no hearts but had stopper(s) in diamonds. Unfortunately that was misguided, if I raise to 4C, Gerry can cue 4D, I cue 4H and I think Gerry will bid the slam.
Ended up in the wrong contract here, but at least avoidded the slam. A few wee in 6D and were very unfortunate.
Against Ronnie and Celia our bidding went:
1D - 1S - 2H - 3N - 4H
I decide to pass this hoping for a better Pairs score.
Celia led a club, Ronnie took Ace and another forcing Gerry to ruff. Gerry now tried KH and AH, oh oh. J98 of hearts against his Q5. Gerry played a diamond to dummy and continued the suit and Ronnie ruffed for the second defensive trick. Ronnie can only play a spade now to dummy's Ace, a third diamond, Ronnie ruffs but now Gerry is in control and can ruff the spade exit, draw the last trump and claim the rest of the diamonds.
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