Rubbish score, playing N/S aggregate tournament. Made a few big mistakes to ruin our score. We actually got lucky early on avoiding a slam we should have been in which goes off on a finesse. However I was first to make sure we didn't benefit.
Without interference our bidding went:
1D - 1S - 2H - 3S - 4H - 4NT - 5D - 6S
5D was 3 key cards in hearts. Now my thinking was Adrianne is at least 6-5 in the reds. 6-5-1-1 is perfect, else she could have doubleton KC else the person on lead holds say KJxx of clubs and will never lead it.
Well it is nice to live in Fairyland, but this is bridge. Victor lead AK of clubs and I'm one off.
These next two boards were against Norman & Bill. Now it is Adrianne's turn for a failing slam, but probably a better shot than mine.
Without interference our bidding simply went:
1S - 2D - 3S - 4S - 4N - 5H - 6S
Now I am a minimum 10 points with both missing Aces. All that is needed is QD (preferably Q to 5 diamonds) to make slam an excellent shot. Unfortunately I had to bid 2D with that rubbish suit and the slam had no chance on the lie of the cards.
Now the piece-de-resistance and just to mix my languages t me miserum!
West opened 3H and this went round to Adrianne who doubled.
I was fixated on my 11 points. Surely enough for game, but how can we make game? Whichever fit we might have, the suit will break badly and 11 tricks will be too much. Eventually I took the only action guaranteed to be a disaster, I passed! Wonderful. Declarer yook pity on me and finessed the JH to avoid the overtrick.
The majority of Easts are in 4H (1 off) as they presumably opened 4H. Norman was more sensible
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