Thursday, 8 November 2012

Wednesday 7 November

Playing N/S with Gerry came joint first with 59%.

Not the best start against Paul and Nat. I opened 1S and Gerry bid a game raise 2N.  I bid 3S showing 16+ and we soon ended in 6S.  Nat led 3S won in Dummy. Obviously the hearts decide the contract and with eight of the suit Ace and another will often show up an honour with East and remove any guess, but the double finesse is always 75%.  However if spades are 2-2 I can eliminate the minors before running QH and guarantee my contract. So I played AQ clubs and a spade to hand, but they didn't break.  I cashed KC to throw the diamond, drew the last trump with QS and ran QH. Nat exits with a diamond and I lead another heart for Paul to show out and 1 down.
Six pairs were in it, two made it though one got a heart lead.

Another slam against Joan and Cathy. I opened 1H and it didn't take Gerry long to put me in six. Joan led a trump, on another lead I might well have played for 2 minor ruffs via a diamond finesse which would have given me a 50% chance of 13. However this trump lead precludes that as a losing diamond finesse would allow another trump to be drawn.  So I obviously worked on setting up spades.  I was allowed to win with 8H and played Ace and a spade ruff.  The ladies played up the way and gave me every hope of a 3-3 split and I can afford an over-ruff for 12 tricks. However with both minor Aces still there it costs nothing to go over to KH, this I failed to do.  I crossed to AC, was over-ruffed and made 12. Silly

 Got a zero against Ivan and Helen. Gerry opened 1H, Helen 1S and I bid 2C. Ivan passed, Gerry bid 2D, Helen passed and I bid 4H. Ivan now came in 4S which I doubled.
KH lead to Helen's Ace, trumps drawn and AJ clubs cashed.  Now Helen had carefully preserved small trumps, crossed to dummy in spades, cashed winning club to discard a heart, ruffed 4th club, crossed in spades to cash 5th club and discard a diamond.  Eleven tricks.  A number of people were doubled but only made 10.

 Different No Trump ranges have their advantages and disadvantages.  Sandra and Gloria play 14-16 so Sandra opened 1N, I overcalled 2H and Gloria is stymied.  2N is a stretch anyway so can't be done with doubleton heart, double is wrong as would trying to play in 3C. She passed.  I made my obvious 7 tricks for one down.
However 3N making was the common result. Heart lead, play a diamond and there's your 9 tricks
Gerry stole a top against Gerald and Phil. Gerald opened 1S and Gerry doubled.  Phil eventually decided to pass and I bid 2H.  Gerry stretched to 2N, I tried 3C looking for 3 card heart support and Gerry bid 3N.
A small spade lead to Dummy's Jack and 10D was covered by Queen and Ace, Jack of diamond exit.
Gerald played a spade to Phil's Ace and a spade back to Gerry's King. He now runs four diamond winners putting Gerald under a lot of pressure as he has to keep 2 hearts. It was possible for the defenders to get another 3 tricks if they played their cards correctly, but difficult and Gerry got his 9 tricks.

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