As it turned out, not only has Gerry got a 5th heart, he has the crucial KC and this was an excellent contract. Steve led KD, ruffed, heart to dummy's K, diamond ruffed. JC to King, finesse 10C and claim 11 as two spades disappear on the clubs.
If you read my blog a dew weeks ago you will know my theory that if partner opens 2N and you have 10 points with some distribution then you always make a slam.
So, through a multi Gerry showed a 19/20 NT, I transferred to hearts then cue bid 4C, Gerry cued 4D, excellent, I bid 5H asking for good trumps (two top honours). Gerry bid 6H obviously. Nothing to the play, Michelle led KS so at least kept us to 12 tricks.
We were the only ones to find 4S on this board. Winnie opened 1C, Gerry doubled, Katie bid 1D. I feel if my partner asks me to bid it is churlish not to, only four points but I think the 5th spade just makes it worth a 1S bid.
2C from Winnie and Gerry knowing the power of aces and a good fit, bid 4S.
When you have a natural lead it is usually best to ignore partner's bid, but Winnie enticed by the possibility of a ruff not unreasonably led KD. This was perfect for me. I won the Ace and wasn't going to do anything silly knowing I'll get a good score for game so I played AS and another. Katie ducked and my Q won. JD to the Q, club back to Ace, 10D to throw a heart, ruff a diamond, ruff a club, cash a long diamond throwing a club, ruff a heart, ruff a club, 11 tricks.
I blotted my copybook on the next board by overbidding my hand. Gerry expecting more put me into 6C.
A then K of hearts were led and obviously all I have to do is find KC. Now there are four possibilities:
K9 - void, K - 9, 9 - K and void - K9.
I crossed to AS and played JC from dummy Katie's play of the 9 gave me just a thought that she had both, but I prefer to ignore these things at the table and just play the odds. Once the 9 appears the only possibilities are the first and third above so it appears 50-50 and maybe I should follow that feeling. However Winnie has 9 unknown cards, Katie 8, I think it slightly favours the drop, so up with the Ace and a big fat zero.
This was a very competitive board. I can't fully remember our bidding I think it went:
1C - 1D - 1H - 1S (Ronnie might have doubled, not 1D)
2C - 4S - 5C - passed back to Ronnie who bid 5S and round to me to double.
I led 8H to J, Q and K. I wasn't feeling too good about this, in theory I either get some spades or some clubs, but those diamonds?
Anyway Elizabeth runs 9S at trick two, she then finessed another spade.
Now followed A and another diamond to Gerry's King who put a club through ruffed by dummy who now had bare Ace and I had K10. Elizabeth played a diamond winner, threw a heart and I ruffed with the 10. I exited with AC, ruffed by AS, another diamond winner (should have thrown QC!!!), I ruffed with KS and cashed KC, exit with club, Elizabeth ruffs in hand, over to AH and two more diamond winners plus the last spade for two off.
A very difficult hand though I thought Elizabeth did very well up until not throwing a club which would have meant one off.
Actually 5D looks best over 5C, but maybe you need to finesse 9H to give you all the necessary entries to dummy.
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